Electricity and...Sand?

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Wanda's POV

I was clutching onto Peter as we swung through the air, we made our way over to the military research facility as the sun was setting.

"Keep an eye out on the trees. We don't really know where this guy is." Mj said through the phone that was taped to Peter's chest. We were facing time them so they could help us out, if anything new popped up on the news or internet. "I genuinely don't know who you do this without throwing up."

Peter swung down and landed. I let go of his torso and un wrapped my legs from waist. Dropping my feet to the dirt.

"Do you sense anything?" Peter asked.

"Kind of...there is a presence here." I raised my hand and made my power glow. In the red magic, you couldn't see anything, but than there was a flash of brown and Peter turned his head to look in a certain direction.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you see that?"

"No?" I than felt another energy force, this one stronger, more powerful...it felt like getting shocked on a trampoline, but sharper.

We started walking forward but at the same time we both stopped in our tracks. His Peter tingle on high alert as my body could feel this new energy force.

"You feel it to?" I looked to him, getting my hands at the ready.

"Yup." He nodded.

"Guys, what is it?" Mj asked.

"What do you see?" Ned added.

Peter made the blaster thing on his arm appear and than looked at me, I gave him a nod and we both turned around.

On the power lines, it looked a person was forming out of electricity, they were sucking up all the energy from the power lines.

"What the hell?" I mumbled, making my both my hands glow.

"Are you guys seeing this?" Peter asked Ned and Mj.

"Yeah." Mj answered.

"Osborn?" Ned asked.

"No. He was green. This guys blue." I stated.

"Uh, You wouldn't happen to be from another universe, would you?" Peter yelled at the random person. The person didn't say anything.

"Shoot him!" I yelled. Peter than shot at him, but the magic beam went right through him and into the forest, my guess hitting a tree.

Suddenly electric human, started shooting electricity at us with his hands.

"Go!" Peter shouted. He jumped onto the roof of a building, while I ran into the forest, dodging blasts. One of his hands was shooting at me, the other at Peter. After a few seconds they gave up on me.

I than looked above me and saw Peter swinging through the trees as this electric person chased after them, still shooting at him. I used my powers and flew my self into the air. I was getting ready to throw an energy blast when Peter was knocked out of the sky, falling to the ground.

"Shit!" I exclaimed. Instead of throwing an energy blast. I flew towards Peter and grabbed onto him. I didn't have time to float us down safely, so I just made a tiny force filed around us and we crashed onto the dirt. I rolled one direction, while he rolled another.

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