The Fight (Part 3)

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Wanda's POV

I let go of Peter and looked up into the air, to see Strange floating, while trying to control a bunch of yellow magic around him. He managed to shrink it for a second, but than it burst out, sending a huge wave of magic into the air and into the sky, which immediately made purple cracks form.

The whole building began to crumble around us, the shield fell through all the scaffolding and hit the water below.

Before I had a chance to realize what happened next, Peter was grabbed by the arm, by the Green Goblin.

"PETER!" I screamed. I quickly flew up in the air as the metal plate I was standing on, fell below me. I continued to follow him, but suddenly my powers started going crazy inside  of me.

I stopped flying and fell hard onto the concrete, clutching my head and screaming. I looked up into the air to see all the cracks in the sky growing and silhouettes of people starting to come through. "Oh shit."

Peter's POV
I got on the front of his hover thing and pulled out one of his bombs, blowing it up and causing us both to tumble to the ground. But we both ended landing on the shield.

I raised my head to see Green Goblin sitting up. I moved my feet a little and got into my ready stance, death glaring the guy that killed May and almost Wanda. He got to his feet, taking off his goggles. I looked around to see Wanda, looking at me, clutching her chest, fear in her eyes.

"Poor Peter. To weak to send me home to die."

I took a breath. "No. I just wanna kill you myself."

He just smiled. "Attaboy."

I ran at him, shooting webs but he dodged them. I than swung at him, he ducked. I webbed his foot and landed a punch to his face. Getting him to the ground. I jumped up, bringing my fist down on him, but he moved out of the way in time.

He than stood up and made a knife appear. Whistling and than smiling. He swung at me, but I jumped over it. He continued to swing at me, but I dodged everyone. We started going hand to hand combat. I punched him, he punched me. I ended up landing a punch on his face, that made him stumble back.

I used that to my opportunity and continued to punch him. I ended up webbing onto his shoulders and pulling his face down, so it collided with my knee. I than did it again, bending his body forward. I jumped over him, grabbing onto his belt, lifting him over my head and slamming him down on the metal

I than grabbed his hood and lifted up his face. Punching him over and over and over again. Each punch for May and Wanda. I kept going and going, until he was barley breathing. He fell to the floor, barley alive.

I grabbed his hover board thing and raised it above my head, ready to bring it down on him. But suddenly I was stopped by Peter 2.

I tried to keep going, groaning out in pain as I tried to impale Green Goblin. But Peter 2 wasn't letting up. He just looked at me, almost studying my face in a way. I just looked at him, realizing what I was doing and slowly put the hover board thing down.

But before I had a chance to say anything, Green Goblin put a knife through his chest, Peter 2 falling to the ground. Green Goblin than stood up and faced me. "She was there because of you. I may have struck the blow, but are the one that killed her."  He then started doing his menacing laugh. While my Peter tingle went off, I lifted up my hand and caught the cure, stabbing it into Green Goblins neck.

He looked at me in fear and than in almost relief. "Peter?" His voice sounded back to normal. He looked around and than faced me, his eyes looking sad. "What have I done?"

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