MJ and Ned

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Peter's POV

Wanda made some calls and than came over to me. "There on their way." She smiled.

"Great." I grabbed her hand and we left the basement and walked up the stairs we found, until we got to the main doors of the sanctum. "Did they sound confused?"

"Extremely. I mean I can't blame them." She chucked.

Strange than appeared on the stairs and walked by us, opening the front doors. Not like we couldn't do that ourselves.

Ned and Mj walked in and looked around the place in awe. "I can't believe I'm in the sanctum Sanctourm." Ned expressed, walking by Strange's side.

"Neither can I." He grumbled.

"So how did you know you were a man of magic? Because my nana says that we have it in our family and I get these tingling in my hands."

"You should talk to your physician."

"Wanda!" Mj called out.

"Hey." She smiled, they ran at each other and hugged.

"I'm sorry for dragging you guys into this." I apologized, as soon as they broke off from their hug. "You gotta just help me and Wanda bring in these guys."

"You don't have to apologize, okay? You got us a second shot at MIT. It's fine." Mj smiled.

"Thanks." Wanda then came to my side and I slipped my arm around her waist.

"So how did the bad guys get here?" Ned asked. I saw Wanda look at me and I know she was giving me her 'look.'

"We screwed up a spell trying to get into college." Strange said walking up the stairs.

"Wait what?" Mj asked.

"You did it with magic?" Ned questioned.

"I thought it was the MIT lady you saved." Mj finished saying.

"No that was after. Let's just focus on the good news, okay?"

"No, let's just focus on the bad news. As of now, you have detected zero multiverse level trespassers. So get on your phone, scour the internet, and...Scooby-Doo this shit." Strange exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"Strange!" Wanda called out. He just turned to look at her. "You wanna try that again?" We all turned to look at him and than back to Wanda.

He cocked his head at her and she just sent him a smirk. "Fine." He groaned. "Please, Scooby-Doo this shit."

"Much better." She than smiled proudly after.

"You guys can work in the undercroft." We all nodded our heads. "And Wanda." She looked up at him and I tightened my grip on her waist. "Make sure to keep your sensing thing up to date. You can keep track of how many are here."

"Noted." She nodded her head again and sent him a smile with her lips curved in.

We all than walked down the set of stairs from before and I turned on the light, by pulling the string for the lightbulb. The room illuminated at showed the basement/storage room/crypt.

"Badass." Ned smiled as he walked in, almost skipping around in pure joy. He immediately started looking at something on the desk, Wanda started walking towards a book case, While Mj was admiring a painting. I walked over to the middle of the room.

"Guys, about this whole spell thing."

"Peter its okay." Wanda replied, before I could finish my sentence.

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