Flirting, Science and Apologies

537 18 11

Peter's POV

When we got to the apartment door, I opened it and everyone filed in. I was mentally counting everyone and I was looking around confused as to where Wanda was, when I suddenly saw her sprinting down the hall.

"Lizard, crocodile man is staying in the truck." She informed, when she got closer to me.

"Okay." I nodded my head. Once she caught up, I just gave her a big kiss. Her cheeks instantly turned pink and her face looked surprised.

"What was that for?" She smiled.

"I just wanted to kiss you. Can I not kiss my beautiful girlfriend?" I smirked.

"Oh you can kiss me as many times as you want, Parker." She than grabbed my suit and pulled it so her lips met mine. We continued to kiss before she pulled away. "I love you."

"I love you to Wanda." I kissed her once more and before she walked in, she slapped my ass. "Hey." I laughed. She smiled back at me and walked fully into the apartment.

My cheeks were just turning red with embarrassment as I shut the apartment door. I than walked in, standing next to Wanda and watched everyone.

Electro turned on the tv with his powers, Sandman sat down on the couch, getting well sand all over it, he tried to wipe it off but it didn't do anything. "Sorry." He apologized.

"So this is your plan Peter? No lab, no facilities? Just performing miracles in a condominium? Hm? What? You gonna cook us some cures and some frozen burritos in a microwave?" Otto exclaimed, angry and annoyed.

"I could go for a burrito." Norman said, while playing with the robot.

"He's gonna kill us all." Otto finished saying.

"No, that's my job." Wanda said smiling as she walked by him over to the kitchen. I just looked at her and smiled.

"Well let's hope not." I said. "Your up first Doc." I patted his shoulder as I passed him.

"What? Hey I told you. I don't need fixing." I walked into the back room. "I don't need fixing!" He yelled louder, I just rolled my eyes and walked over to the stolen stark tech. I pulled off the sheet as May, Wanda, Norman and Electro walked in.

"What the hell is that?" Norman asked.

"It's a fabricator." I said. I pressed a button and it started growing in size. "It can analyze, design, construct basically anything."

"I thought that was the tanning bed Happy Broke." May said.

"I thought it was a broken dishwasher." Wanda added. It suddenly burst through the wall, making me jump. I than looked over to Wanda.

"Hey, can you give us minute." I said referring to everyone but Wanda. They all left the room and I grabbed her hand. "This is a good plan right? We're doing the right thing?"

"Yes...I think." She sighed.


"I don't really know Peter. We've never done anything like this. We're used to killing the villain not saving them. But I think this is right thing to do. Why? Are you having second thoughts. Because if you are, I'll text MJ right away."

"No, It's just, I want to make sure your safe here. Electro keeps eyeing you, Otto looks like he's two seconds away from choking the life out of you."

"He almost did that on the bridge." She laughed. But than she brought her face back to normal. "Sorry...but you don't have to worry about me Peter. I can take care of my self." I was about to say something but she placed her finger on my lips. "I know your gonna say 'it's my job to protect you' which I love about you. But this time, I'm gonna protect you. Will you let me do that?"

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