First Day Of School

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Wanda's POV

I woke up this morning to a soft kiss being pressed to my forehead, than my cheek. "Wanda, sweetheart." His voice was so soft and calming.

"Hm?" I hummed, opening my eyes slowly to see him on his knees, his face inches from mine and he was wearing the most adorable smile

"If you still want to come with me to school, than you gotta get up."

"Yeah I still wanna come."

"It's gonna be a shit show." He sighed.

"And it could be dangerous." I said, sitting up in the bed and cupping his cheek with my hand. "I'm not saying you need a bodyguard...but I can make sure not a single person even lays a finger on you."

"Wanda you can't hurt anyone. It will make you look even worse in the public eye."

"I don't give a shit. If someone hurts you. I'm gonna get pissed and no one wants an angry Wanda. I'm like the hulk." I started chuckling and he joined me in the chuckle.

"How about, let's try not to hurt anyone. But if worse comes to worse, than I give you permission."

"Deal." I grabbed his chin and placed his lips on mine, we shared a kiss and he stood up, but I grabbed onto his waist and yanked him on top of me. He fell in between my legs and we continued to kiss, but we had to stop because we started laughing.

"Okay, okay, you seriously gotta get dressed." He gave me one last kiss and than climbed off of me.

"Fine." I smiled. I got out of the bed and changed into a pair of black jeans and a grey long sleeve, with a pair of black boots. I let my hair just drape down and Peter placed my Natasha necklace on me.

Peter was also in black jeans, a white shirt with a blue flannel over top and a pair of converse. We stood in front of a mirror, his hands around my waist. I had to admit we were a hot ass couple.

"You ready to do this?" I asked him, looking at his face in the mirror.

"I'm ready." He smiled, kissing the top of my head.

-Time Skip-

Happy gave us a ride to the school and as we pulled up, hundreds of people were behind police barricades leading up to the school. Screaming, cheering and holding up signs, waving them around. News reporters were lined up as well, there were cameras everywhere, anything we did, the whole world would see.

Peter clutched my hand tightly in the car, fear filled his eyes as he looked at everyone.

"You can do this. I will stay by your side." He just turned to me and I cupped his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you to Wanda." He kissed me quickly and than opened the car door. He stepped out first and than helped me out.

People began yelling immediately and cameras started flashing in our faces. We continued to hold hands as we walked past everyone, with Mj, Ned and Flash behind us.

"Wanda! I love you! Are you gonna have his spider babies!" Some random guy with a picture of me on his shirt yelled.

People began trying to touch us and police officers were doing their best to keep them back. Peter kept his head down, as I kept my up, a glare spread across my face and my one hand at the ready.

"You guys are murderers!"

"Hey Peter come here!"

"Mysterio Forever!"

"Wanda be my wife!"

"We believe Mysterio!"


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