Alone Time

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Basically a Smut Chapter😉

Peter's POV

I left the school as quickly as a I could, trying to avoid people as best as I could, but there were so many paparazzi and just random people screaming at me.

"Shit." I groaned, I tried walking, but people kept getting in my way, but suddenly the colour red caught my eye. I looked in the sky to see Wanda floating down near me.

"Move!" She yelled. Everyone made a circle around her and she wrapped an arm around my waist, than flew us out of there.

"Thank you so much baby." I smiled.

"I'm your body guard remember." She jokingly spoke.

She flew us over to a roof top and placed me down gently on top of the concrete. "I'm sorry, I could have probably just webbed out of there...but for some reason, I just couldn't...I was scared."

"It's okay Peter." Her voice was so soft as she placed her hand on my cheek. "I can keep you safe, who knows what they could have done to your web or you. I will keep you safe for now, until things have died down a little."

"Your also wanted, I need to keep you safe." I stated.

"Look, you have to remember I was a killer for five years and have wicked powers. I'll be okay Peter, but thank you. I know you wouldn't let anything happen to me."

"Not one thing. I love you to much." I cupped her chin gently.

"I love you to Peter." She placed her hand on the back of my neck and we moved our faces together, until our lips collided.

My hand moved away from her chin and traced over her body, until I got around her waist. I pulled her closer to me and she lifted her one leg up. I moved my other hand and cupped it under her thigh.

We continued kissing and than we broke apart, resting our foreheads against one another. "Wanna take this back home?" I asked.

"Yes please." She begged.

I moved my hand down her body until I cupped her ass and she moaned quietly. She grabbed my waist and flew us off the roof top until we arrived near the apartment, she floated us down into an alley.

We snuck into the apartment and made our upstairs, making out until we landed on the bed.

Wanda's POV

He landed in between my legs, on top of me, as we continued to kiss. Our tongues in each other's mouths, his hands touching every inch of my body as mine stayed around his neck.

"We're wearing to much." I groaned, grinding my hips into his. He groaned into my neck, the vibrations traveling across my skin.

"Let me take of that." He smirked, moving down my body, taking my pants off as he moved to settle himself on his knees.

He threw my jeans across the room and than stared at the red lace thong, moaning at the sight of me, I spread my legs and bent them up. He crawled over me and hooked his fingers on my thong, pulling it down my legs and throwing them over near the jeans.

"I've been missing the taste of you." He groaned, grabbing my thighs and placing them on his shoulders. He began to kiss and gently bite up my thighs until he suddenly ran his tongue across the entire length of me, causing me to moan extremely loud, arching my back off the bed.

I quickly placed my hand in my mouth, because I actually didn't know if anyone was home. "Nope." Peter said popping the 'P' and removing my hand from my mouth. "I want to hear you."

He began to suck on my clit and I grabbed his hair, tugging his face closer to my body, moaning. "Peter." I gasped as I felt two fingers enter me. He began thrusting them extremely fast, making my body go into a slight state of shock.

His other hand came up and began touching my boobs in my bra, cupping and squeezing them. As I continued to moan. "I'm...I'm close."

He began going faster and I came hard. Screaming his name, repeating it over and over again.

He crawled up my body, licking his lips and fingers. "Fuck, you taste so good." He than pressed his lips against mine and we began making out again.

I could taste myself on his tongue as we kissed. "I need to be inside of you now." He groaned, sitting up and taking off his shirt, revealing his gorgeous body.

He took off his pants and boxers as I took off my shirt and unclipped my bra. He just smirked at me and came over top of me.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"I'm ready." I smiled, he let out a little smile and than placed himself at my entrance.

He fully entered me and I started moaning. He began thrusting fast and hard as he grabbed my hands and placed them above my head.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer as he continued to thrust. "Shit, feel so good, so good." He groaned into my neck.

"Peter." I moaned, throwing my head back. He lowered his head and began to kiss my boobs, leaving a hickey.

"You are so beautiful." His voice was so husky, making my stomach fill with butterflies.

"I'm close." I moaned.

"Come sweetheart." He groaned.

"KIDS!" May yelled, sounding excited.

"Shit!" He whispered.

"Relax." I raised my hand and used my powers to keep the door shut, incase May would try to open it.

He didn't skip a beat and started thrusting faster. And I didn't even have time to process anything. "I'm coming!" I screamed out, moaning so loudly. My whole body feeling an insane of amount of pleasure, as it traveled through every inch of my body.

"Do you want it inside?" He asked. I nodded my head and he moaned my name as I felt him come. "Oh shit, Wanda." He fell on top of me and started heavy breathing into my neck.

"I love you." I smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek, while I began playing with his hair.

"I love you to Wanda." He placed a kiss on to my chest as his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Kids, are you in your room?" May asked, as I could hear her walk up the stairs.

"May will be down in a few minutes!" Peter yelled.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"Yup." He yelled and than smiled up at me. "More than okay." He whispered. Making me blush.

"Okay..." I could hear in her voice that she wasn't quite sure if she was suppose to believe us or not.

"We got a few minutes..."

"A screw it." I smiled, grabbing his face and making out with him again.

Sorry for the little delay on this chapter, I hope you liked it!❤️

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