College Applications

543 16 2

Peter's POV

Wanda sat at the edge of bed, grabbing her bra and began putting it on. But as I was looking at her, I could see all the scars lining her back and than I looked at the tattoo.


"Hm." She hummed in response.

"Do you ever think about it?"

"Think about what?" She asked, looking back at me, clipping her bra on.

"Being a vigilante again?"

"Technically I am right now." She chuckled and stood up.

"You know what I mean." I said, sitting up, giving her a look.

"Yeah, I do. If I'm being honest. When I threatened that guy by your school, it made me so happy...I know it shouldn't have, but I couldn't deny the feeling." She sighed, resting back on the bed, I moved a little bit and she sat next to me and I wrapped an arm around her.

"What does it feel like?"

She took a deep breath. "Freedom. A sense of relief. A small wave of pleasure that floods over your brain, until all you can do is smile."

I just looked at her and pressed a kiss to her exposed collarbone. "Do you want to go back?"

She scooted away a bit and looked at me with a sense of confusion. "Why would I go back to being alone and a killer?"

"I don't know. I'm just curious. Because I just see it in your eyes sometimes, that longing to just go out and be free."

She smiled at me and moved away, straddling my hips. I moved my hands around her waist, yanking her body closer to me.

"All I'm longing to do is be seen as an Avenger again, I miss it. Don't you?"

I just nodded my head. "I miss it every day. I miss everyone."

She placed her head on my chest. "One day." She mumbled.

"One day." I stated, hugging her body tighter.

After cuddling for a bit we finally both got dressed back in our original clothing. Walking down stairs, May was sitting at the kitchen table with mail sitting in front of her.

"What took you kids so long?" She asked, looking up at us excitedly.

"Um?" I said, looking at Wanda.

"Cuddles." Wanda smiled.

"Okay whatever! Look what came in!" She picked up a letter.

"No way!" I ran over to her and grabbed it. I sat down at the table as Wanda stood behind me and May was right next to me. "Ready?"

The girls nodded their heads and I opened it up. All I had to read was the word 'sorry' and I knew I didn't get in.

"Shit." Wanda muttered, placing her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry." I placed my hand on top of her's.

"It's okay, it's just a back up school." I smiled. May grabbed the paper, read it and than threw it across the room.

Three days later

Me and Wanda were reading on the couch together, drinking hot chocolate, her idea. Since it was a rainy day and this how she wanted to spend it and I wasn't complaining one bit.

As we were about start another chapter, May burst through the door. "Peter!"

We both jumped up from the couch and ran to the entrance. May sat down at the table, as me and Wanda stood by the window, holding our hands tightly.

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