The First Meeting

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Please do not attack me in the comments if things don't make to much sense, it was difficult to write how Wanda would be after the mind erase. But I did my best!❤️

Peter's POV

I woke up in my bed, my head feeling uneasy and my body aching. I just had to fight a shit load of villains all by myself...technically. I did have other Peter Parker's helping me, but still it was a pain in the ass. But...the only way to fix the spell I messed up, was for everyone to forget I existed. I still remembered them, but no one knew me.

It sucked, but this way I knew everyone in the universe was gonna be safe. It had to be done. I got out of my bed and looked around my apartment. Everything was covered in police tape and I hated it. But after looking around, I realized I needed to move out. So that's exactly what I did. I moved out.

I found an apartment and moved in right away. I placed the last box on the bed and started pulling out shit. Once I got to the bottom though, there was something I didn't remembering putting in. It was a picture of me, with half of it burnt. I was smiling and was outside, but had no memory of taking this photo. I wanted to know who else was in the picture...I'm assuming it was someone who needed to forget me. But why couldn't I know them? What the heck did I do with this mystery person. Was it Ned? Mj? May? Stark?

I almost started getting a headache from the amount of thinking I was doing. I took one more look and than threw it back in the box  and rested on my bed, laying down on the mattress.

Taking a deep breath.

This was my life now. No more Stark, no more Avengers. I was a lone wolf.

Wanda's POV
I woke up lying on concrete. I opened my eyes to see I was on the monument where the Statue of Liberty was standing, well still kind of standing. I just had to fight a bunch of villains with two people who claimed to be hero's. I didn't exactly remember what they were called or what their names was weird. Doctor Strange than helped me, by erasing everyone's minds because I messed up a spell. So that no one knew I was the Scarlet Witch and come after me, especially Hydra.

I still knew Mj, Ned, Strange, Wong, Clint and Sam. But they had no idea who I was, which broke my heart. But it also kind of helped my healing knowing I saved the universe because of it. But now I was alone...alone? Me alone? Last time I was alone, I became an assassin, a vigilante...maybe it's my time to become that again. It would help clear my head of what I just did and how scared I am once again.

I stood up and looked down at my suit. The necklace caught my attention first and I smiled down at it, taking it into my hands. It was a gift from Natasha before her death and I will cherish it forever. I than looked down at my arm and cocked my head to the side.

I remember getting a sleeve tattoo, but not a heart with a spiderweb in it...what the hell? Did I black out yesterday and someone tattooed me? Why would I get this?

But from everything that just happened I honestly didn't care. I looked back down at the tattoo and smiled, I mean...I could look at as a memoriam for Nat since she was the 'Black Widow.' I started smiling wider and rolled with that. If anyone asked, that would be my answer.

I than let a sigh, I had no where to go...All my stuff was destroyed when the villains showed up and the Green Goblin blew up my apartment building.

So I was homeless once again, but on the bright side...I was free and me being good and bad for the world.

I ended up renting out a beach house like I did last time, but this time instead of just a lady it was a nice older couple.

And probably wondering how I pay for stuff, if all my stuff was destroyed...drum roll...

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