Doctor Strange

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Peter's POV

I left the diner and searched up where the sanctum was in New York.

I walked over to the building and than to the doors, I was about to ring the door bell when the doors opened and a blast of a cool air hit me. "Woah."

I walked in to see the entire place covered in snow. Two people were shovelling the snow into buckets. "Uh hem." I cleared my throat. They didn't look up. "Excuse me." I said much louder now.

They both looked up at me mortified. "Hi I'm..."

"The most famous person in the world. I know." A man said coming out a portal, carrying luggage. He than took off his hood. "Wong. Try not to slip. We don't have liability insurance."

I took a few more steps into the building, rubbing my hands together for warmth. "Is all of this for a holiday party?"

"No. One of the rotunda gateways connects to Siberia. A blizzard blasted through." He explained, than there was a loud noise and I looked up to see Doctor Strange floating down the steps towards us.

"Because someone forget to cast a monthly maintenance spell to keep the seals tight." He than landed and had a little slip, recovering quickly.

"That's right, he did, because I now have higher duties."

"Higher duties?" Strange asked offended.

"The Sorcerer Supreme has higher duties, yes."

"Wait, I thought you were the Sorcerer Supreme?" I asked.

"No, he got it on a technicality 'cause I blipped for five years." He smiled, taking a sip of his coffee. With a mug that read. 'Oh For fox's sake.' With a picture of a fox.

"Well...uh congratulations." I smiled at Wong.

"If I had been here, then..."

"You'd burn the place down. You two, no one said stop shovelling." Wong yelled walking over to the two kids.

"So Peter, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Strange than began to walk over to a fireplace and I followed.

"Right, I'm really sorry to bother you sir. But."

"Please. We saved half the universe together. I think we're beyond you calling me 'sir.'" He than used his magic to light a fire.

"Okay, Stephen."

"That feels weird, but I'll allow it."

I just nodded my head. "When um...When Mysterio revealed me and Wanda's Identities, both our lives got screwed up mine more than hers, but I was just wondering. I don't know if would actually works, but I was just wondering if maybe you could go back in time and make it so he never did?" I could feel my body going anxious, I mean what I just asked is a lot and this face he was giving me, wasn't helping.

"Peter, we tampered with stability of space-time to resurrect countless lives. You wanna do it again now just 'cause yours got messy?"

"It's not about me. I mean this is really hurting a lot of people. My Aunt May, Happy, My best friends, their futures are ruined just because they know me and Wanda and they've done nothing wrong." My voice was almost coming out desperate now.

"I am so sorry...but even if I wanted to. I don't have the time stone anymore."

"That's right." I sighed. Wow I felt like an idiot, but I also just felt sad...I honestly thought this would be my saving grace. "I'm really sorry if I wasted your time."

"You didn't."

"Just forget about it." I began to walk away, but Wong came by me, still carrying luggage.

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