The Fight (Part 2)

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This scene is gonna play out a little different than how it is in the movie!

Peter's POV

As I was flying, I webbed onto the scaffolding and swung into Wanda, grabbing her body and rolling us away from the lighting bolts.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, moving a piece of hair behind her hair.

"Yeah, I'm okay. But we gotta stop this maniac!" She shouted.

"Agreed!" I helped her to her feet. "Guys! We gotta do this up close! Peter 2, go right! Peter 3, go left. Wanda go high. On me!" We all launched from our positions.

The other Peter's webbed onto his hands and Wanda, held him still with his powers. I jumped for him and went to grab the arc reactor, but he sent a blast at me and it sent me into the crown of the Statue.

I webbed onto it and swung my body towards him again. But he hit me again with a bolt and I was sent flying backwards. I began falling through the air, but before I could hit the scaffolding. I felt a energy wrap around me and I was stopped before I could injure myself. I looked up to see Wanda floating above me, her hands glowing bright red.

"Thank you baby." I shouted.

Wanda's POV
"Your welcome!" I shouted back. I than saw Connors escape his webs and he raced towards a portal that Ned and Mj were standing in...I'm assuming Ned wasn't able to close it.

"No! No! No! No!" I flew towards them and kicked Connors in the face. He hit the railing and ran back towards me.

He jumped on top of me and I shot him with an energy blast sending him flying backwards. I than jumped off the scaffolding and flew away. I saw my Peter swinging towards Connor and he led him away from me.

I watched Mj and Ned run across the scaffolding and I flew towards them. I landed on the scaffolding in front of them.

"Wanda!" Ned screamed out in pure joy!

"Move!" They both moved to the right and I raised my hands, channeling energy and sending out a blast towards Connor, it sent him over the edge of the railing.

"Your amazing!" Mj stated.

I looked back at her. "I know."

"Does the SpiderMan want to come out and play!" Green Goblin shouted somewhere in the sky. He appeared from the clouds and than Electro appeared.

He shot an energy blot towards me and the railing got electrocuted, Green Goblin than threw a bomb behind us and it knocked me over the edge. But the moment I touched the metal I felt my body turn cold, my powers disappeared.

I fell over the edge, screaming...reaching my hand up. Mj tried to grab me, but she missed me. I continued falling and I looked up to see my Peter diving down towards me.

I let out a little smile but the Green Goblin came out of no where and swiped him away from me. "NO!" He screamed out.

I wanted to use my powers, but I couldn't. I looked at Peter before I closed my eyes. Accepting my fate, there was nothing I could do...I was falling to my death. I was gonna be with my family and Nat once more.

"NO!" I heard someone else yell. As I continued to fall, I felt hands wrap around my body. I was cradled in someone's arms and the next thing I know, I'm on the ground but not dead.

I opened my eyes to see Peter 3 holding me tightly. His eyes were watery and I just looked up at him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." He put me down and I just hugged him. "Thank you." He hugged me back just as tight. "She would be proud of you." I whispered.

"Thank you." I than saw over head a giant puff of green smoke appear. "Connors." He looked back at me. "You sure your alright?"

"I'm good." I smiled. He than used a web and swung over near the smoke.

Peter's POV
In a split second, my entire heart shattered. I had to watch Wanda fall and there was nothing I could do. I was useless. As soon as the Green Goblin swiped me away, my rage for him grew larger, if that was even possible.

But as he pushed me though the air, he tossed me onto the scaffolding and I rolled across it, getting up as fast I could to save Wanda. I ran to the edge. "WANDA!" I screamed. I saw her in the arms of Peter 3 and I let the deepest breath in my life.

"Holy shit." I sighed, clutching onto a pole. I saw Peter 3 swing away and Wanda fly into the air, going after Green Goblin.

"Peter's, deal with electro. I'll deal with Green Goblin for now." Wanda reported over com's.

"On it." All three of us, swung towards him. We tried the webbing on each arm technique, but it didn't work. He shot us all with a blast and got Peter 3 in a electricity bind. All his limbs were being held hostage and he dropped the device.

Peter 2 went to grab it and was suddenly grabbed a metal claw hand...Dr Otto's...All three of us were grabbed and he appeared beside Electro. "Leave them. They're mine." He stated.

"I don't need your help. I got it just fine." Electro retailed.

"Dr Octavius, no!" To my surprise, Otto reached back and grabbed the arc reactor on Electro's chest with a tentacle.

"What are you doing?!" He asked, while trying to take the claw off his chest. "Get it off of me!" He released all of us and grabbed the device. He placed it on Electro's chest and all of his electricity dissipated.

"I knew you weren't bad!" Wanda exclaimed, flying by while being chased by Green Goblin. She turned around and threw an energy blast at him, she got him off his hoverboard thing and fell to the ground. She than saw me and flew down towards me.

I opened my arms and we embraced in a tight hug. "I thought I lost you baby."

"You can't lose me Peter." She smiled, lifting up the mask and kissing me, making me blush. Suddenly an orange portal appeared and Strange walked out, holding the box.

"Strange wait! We're so close!" I exclaimed.

"Skip it! I've been dangling over the Grand Canyon for twelve hours!"

I took notice the other two Peter's took my side. "I know, I know, I know, I...I'm sorry about that sir."

"You went to the Grand Canyon?"

"He could have used your help."

He just looked at them both so confused. "No it's okay. These are my new friends. This is Peter Parker, Peter Parker, SpiderMan, SpiderMan." I said pointing at each of them. "They're me's from other universes."

"No, no." He groaned.

"They're here to help. This is the Wizard I told you about."

"Look I am really impressed that you've managed to give them all a second chance, kid. But this has to end now."

"I'm back." Green Goblins haunting voice said as he rose from the ground, on his hover board thingy. He shot us with little bombs, causing small explosions. He flew by, grabbing the box from Strange's hands, but before he could leave, Otto grabbed his hover thing and kept him place. Strange used a magic lasso and ripped the box from his hands.

We all stared at it and saw a bomb was placed inside. "WAIT!" We all screamed. The box exploded and a huge wave of orange magic appeared and shook the place. Wanda collapsed into me and I held her tightly.

"I'm gonna kill that bastard." I muttered.

Hi Guys! I am so so so so so so so sorry for the very late update! I was so busy and I just didn't have time to do this. But I'm glad that I finally got a chapter out and I hope you like it!   ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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