New Home

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Peter's POV

After Matt left, Happy offered up his home and we all decided that's where we gonna live for the time being.

"We should go pack." I said to Wanda, she nodded her head and we walked down the hallway to our rooms. I began grabbing all my clothes and valuable items and shoving them into suitcases.

"Peter!" Wanda yelled.

"Yeah baby?" I yelled as I dug under my bed, trying to grab a box that was at the far back.

"Do you know where my necklace is?" She asked her voice much closer.

"What have a lot." I said my voice straining as I was trying to grab the box. Suddenly red magic surrounded it and it moved into my hands. "Thanks." I crawled my way out and stood up, holding the box.

"My Natasha one. The last time I remember wearing it was three nights ago, and it was in this room, because you took it off of me."

"Yeah, it's still in here. Sorry I didn't give it back, I forgot."

"It's fine, our lives are a bit hectic." She chuckled. I walked across my room to my nightstand and opened it up and grabbed the necklace.

"Here I'll put it back on you." She came over with a smile on her face and spun around, pulling her gorgeous red and black hair to the side.

I placed the necklace around her neck and clasped it together. "You are so beautiful." I kissed the back of her neck and she spun around to face me.

"No you are so beautiful."

"Why thank you." I smiled. She planted her lips on mine and we kissed for a bit and stopped before we got to carried away. "Now go finish packing." I smacked her ass she walked away and she retailed by using her magic to make my desk chair hit me in the leg. "Not cool." I groaned.

"It was cool." She laughed and walked into her room. I started laughing and finished packing after twenty minutes."

"Kids we gotta get going." May yelled.

"Coming!" I shouted.

"Be right out!" Wanda yelled. At the exact same time, we each left our rooms and stared at each other.

"Twins." We said in unison.

"Are you guys like the shining twins?" May asked, looking at us terrified.

"Yes." Wanda said, moving just her head to look at May and I did the same.

"You guys are so creepy." She muttered before walking into the living room. We both burst out laughing and walked down the hall.

-Time Skip-

We arrived at Happy's apartment, after a thirty  minute drive. May unlocked the door and alarms started going off, she quickly went over to the control panel and pressed a bunch of random buttons.

"Alarm system, deactivated."

We walked further in and May dropped her bags on the floor. "This looks nice"

I than looked ahead and there was a Stark Robot standing in the kitchen and it waved at us and Wanda being Wanda, she waved back. Causing my heart just to fill with love. She was so adorable.

"Welcome to the spiritual oasis." Happy said from behind us. "You like Donkey Kong Jr?"

I just looked at Wanda and she just looked at me. "So which rooms do we get?" I asked.

"Everyone is upstairs. Kids your sharing a room and May you get your own and of course I'll keep my own."

"Of course." May smiled.

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