The Fight (Part 1)

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Wanda's POV
"All right guys, focus up. You feel that?" My Peter said, looking to me worriedly.


We all started looking around and than in the sky, lighting striked.

"What's up Peter?" Electro said. "Hey Wanda." He suddenly appeared in front of us, yellow electricity shooting out of him and he was in a new outfit, being powered by the arc reactor he stole. "How do you like the new-new? Look, you give the box to me, I'm gonna destroy it." He than let out an evil chuckle. "But I'll let you and your pretty little girlfriend live. Don't make me a murder kids."

My Peter pulled down his mask and swung away, while I used my powers and shot an energy blast electro. He dodged it and shot an electric blast at me, which I also dodged.

I flew up in the air and my Peter swung by me, giving me the box. I than flew towards the portal Mj and Ned were standing in. "Mj heads up!" I threw at her and she caught it.

Peter's POV
I ended up swinging onto some scaffolding and landed in a half kneel.

"Just an FYI, lizard guy is here."

"I need Max's cure."

"Yeah, I'm on it."

"Peter I need the lizards cure."

I stood up and began running. "Okay, okay." I was than grabbed by sandman and turned to face him, which he was huge at the moment.

"Where's the box Peter?"

"Flint we can help everyone."

"I don't care." He yelled. Wanda than flew by, shooting an energy blast at his giant hand, he screamed out and let go of me. I swung down and tried to use a crane as a support, but a different Peter swung through my web and ripped it. I tumbled through the air for a bit, until I managed to web onto something else and I rolled across the scaffolding.

"Sorry to tell you sandman, no ones goings home!" Electro yelled.

Suddenly Sandman started growing in size and he made a twister of sand around the statue, trapping us inside.

"Hey, hey are you okay?" Wanda said as I saw her slide towards me, clutching my chest. I took off my mask and a took a breath.

"What the hell is going on out there? I keep yelling at you, Peter two"

"I-I thought you were Peter two?"

"What? I'm not Peter two."

"Stop arguing, both of you!" I yelled. "Listen to Peter one! Look, we're clearly not very good at this."

"I know, I know we suck. I don't know how to work as a team."

"Me neither."

"Well we do." Wanda stated. "We've been in a team okay?"

"I don't wanna brag, but I will. We were in the Avengers ." I looked over to Wanda who was smiling proudly.

"The Avengers?"

"Yeah." I answered.

"That's great."

"Thank you." She smiled.

"What is that?"

I immediately got confused and Wanda's jaw just dropped. "Wait you guys don't have the Avengers?" She asked.

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