Come with us

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So guys I decided to not write the SpiderMan vs Doctor Strange fight, because of how complex and visual the scene is and I feel like it would just be messy and I don't really want a messy part in my book. I hope y'all can accept my decision!❤️

Wanda's POV
After waiting for who knows how long, talking to the Sandman whose name I learned is 'Flint Marko.' Peter suddenly appeared through a portal holding the box thingy.

"Oh my gosh! Guys!" He ripped off his mask and looked around, his smile instantly dropping. "Where's Wanda?"

"Stuck in a cell." I replied, smiling and waving. He looked at me and than ran over to a rock looking thing, the portal opened and I quickly walked through, but than it quickly closed. I turned to face Flint. "Thank you for keeping me company."

"No problem Wanda." He smiled...I think.

I than walked over to Peter and he embraced me in a tight hug. "What happened?" I asked him.

"I fought Doctor Strange and won." He exclaimed, I just looked at him wide eyed.

"You won!" Ned yelled.

"I also stole his ring thing." He said handing it to Ned, who instantly put it on. "I was swinging, and then I went through this massive mirror thing and then I was back..."

"Where he is?" I asked.

"Uh, he's trapped, but I'm not sure for how long."

"You could have just left us to die." Otto stated. "Why didn't you?"

"Cause that's not who Peter is." I stated, He looked at me and he almost looked like a golden retriever which the love and joyfulness in his eyes. It was adorable.

"Look, I think I can help you guys." He said, walking into the middle of the room. "If I can fix what happened to you, then when you go back, things will be different and you might not die fighting Spider-Man."

"What do you mean fix us?" Electro asked.

"Our technology is advanced..." He began.

"I can help you. You know I'm something of a scientist myself." Norman smiled proudly. "Octavius knows what I can do."

"Fix? You mean, like a dog? I refuse." Otto expressed, very irritated.

"I can't promise you guys anything but at least this way you actually get to go home and have a chance. A second chance. I mean come on, isn't that worth trying?" He argued.

"Trust me Peter, when you try to fix people, there are always consequences." Croc man said.

"I mean you don't have to come. But if you stay here, you'll have to deal with the Wizard." I said.

"So we go along or die. Not much of a choice is it?" Croc man shared.

"I just wanna go home." Flint said, making my heart hurt a little, knowing he had a daughter he just wanted to see, broke and warmed my heart at the same time.

"Well, I myself, don't wanna be killed, especially by a guy dressed like Dungeons and Dragons, so, what's your plan?" Electro said, making chuckle a little and which he noticed he smiled, causing Peter to send a glare his way.

"I have it all under control." Peter lied. He than turned around and we made a mini huddle. "What are we gonna do about this thing?"

"Uh...we need to find somewhere safe for it, right?" Mj stated.

"Yeah/ yes/ yup." We all agreed.

"You should take it." I said, moving it towards Mj.

"Wait what?"

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