We can save them

496 22 4

Peter's POV

I woke up to an arm being placed on my stomach. I slowly opened my eyes to see Wanda, her eyes opening up slowly as well, giving me a small smile.

The sun light that was shining through the windows was accentuating all the details on her face and she looked beautiful. The scars, the freckles, the acne scars...she was just gorgeous.

"What are you staring at so intensely Parker?"

"Your just so beautiful."

Her cheeks turned red and she buried her face in the pillow. "Stop."

"No." I than gently grabbed her chin and made her look at me. "I'm gonna compliment you, until we die."

"Oh I can't wait." Her tone was sarcastic and I let out a little chuckle.

I than began leaning in for a kiss and she began leaning in to. But my phone started buzzing. I let out a groan and reached behind me, grabbing it off the nightstand.

"Who is it?" She asked.

"May." I replied. I answered the phone. "Hey May."

"Hey, Peter. I'm at work, and...one of the guys you're looking for just walked in." My face instantly dropped and I looked over to Wanda.

"We'll be right there." I than hung up the phone. I quickly got out of the warm ass bed and onto the cold carpet. "Suit up."

Wanda hoped out and I looked at me in fear. "What happened?"

I began putting on my suit. "One of the guys were looking for is with May."

"Shit." She sighed. We both finished putting on our suits, Wanda popped in some Advil and we raced out of the apartment. As soon as we made it outside. Wanda wrapped her legs around my waist and I begun swinging us through the city until we came upon the community centre.

I swung us down into the ground and Wanda quickly unwrapped her legs. We than booked it into the building.

"May! Where's May?" I shouted. One man pointed at the kitchen. "Thank you so much." We than took off and burst through the door, Wanda's hands were glowing and I was ready to web.

But to my surprise, she was sitting at the counter, with said villain. Eating doughnuts and drinking coffee. I looked over to Wanda, who was wearing the same confused expression as me, but she quickly made her powers disappear.

"Hey, here they are. Norman this is my nephew and that's his girlfriend." May explained.

"Norman Osborne? I thought you were..." I began.

"I saw Spider-Man in an ad for this place. And I thought he could help me. But you're not him."

"Wait so you want Spider-Man's help?" Wanda asked.

"He just wandered in." May stated. We both just looked at him.

"I didn't know where else to go. Someone's living in my house. Oscorp doesn't exist. My son..." We all looked at him with a sympathetic gaze. "Sometimes I'm not myself. I'm...someone else. And every time he's in control I can't remember."

"Who's in control?" May asked.

"And now I'm here."

"Norman, whose in control?"

"I don't know what's going on."

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