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I'm sorry in advance🥺

Peter's POV

I ran back to the back room and began working on the 'cure' for electro, it was basically a disc that would absorb the electricity.

I grabbed my laptop and sat down at the table, he sat across from me and I typed in a few things. "Okay." I than stared at his chest and the disc in my hand. "It just goes right here..." I reached over and placed it on his chest. The green lights went off, signalling it was working. "That should be drawing power now. I'll come back in a second to check on it, but keep an eye on the lights. When they're all green, all the electricity in your body's dissipated. Well, not all of the electricity. I mean obviously you need electricity for your brain to function. Your nervous system is...I'm not really sure why I'm explaining electricity to you."

"Hey, can I ask you a question?"


"Are these your Legos?"

"There mine. I just forgot to clean them up, sorry." Wanda smiled as she walked by, giving me a pat on the shoulder. I just shot her a 'thank you' smile, Than an alarm than went off.

"I gotta go. I'll be back." I left the table. I ran to the back room and grabbed the switch I had the stark tech making. I started just fixing it a little, when my tingle hit full throttle.

My whole body went cold, as fear rose up my spine. I slowly stood up.

"Peter, what's wrong?" Otto asked.

"I don't know." I said as I began to leave to go to the living room. "May? Wanda?" I entered the living room, with Norman and Otto behind me.

"What is it baby?" Wanda asked, coming up to me, without a second hesitation, I put my body in front of hers. "Peter?"

"What's wrong?" May asked.

I stood in the middle of the room, everyone looking at me. "What's happening?" Flint asked.

I looked over to Norman and saw him make his way over to the robot. I closed my eyes and than it started to click...I quickly shot a web on Normans hand, sticking him to the robot.,

"That's some neat trick that sense of yours."
Norman said, but his voice was much more dark and raspy.

"Norman?" Otto asked.

"Normans on sabbatical, honey." His tone was much higher pitch.

"The hell?" Electro asked.

"The Goblin." I answered. I looked over to May and gave her a look. She sneakily made her way into the backroom.

"No more darker half? Did you really think that I'd let that happen? That I'd let you take away my power, just because you're blind to what power can bring you."

"You don't know me." I stated.

"Don't I? I know your pretty little girlfriend to."

"Keep her out of this." My tone got harsher as I could feel the anger rising in my body. I than looked to my left and saw May leave the back room with a bag clutched in her hand.

"We don't need you to save us. We don't need to be fixed. These are not curses. They're gifts."

"Norman, no." Otto pleaded.

"Quiet, lapdog."

"You don't know what your talking about." I stated.

"I've watched you two from deep behind Norman's cowardly eyes. Struggling to have everything you want, while the world makes you choose. Gods don't have to choose. We take."

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