Being a woman is hard

441 3 15

Raven= 19 years old
Damian=18 and 1/2 years old
The Teen Titans are one of the greatest groups of super hero's in the world but what many people don't know is that they go through struggles just like everyone one else and one certain dark-haired empath was feeling it. She was hunched over, her forehead damp with sweat and her eyes squeezed shut in pain. This girl was the daughter of Trigon the destroyer of worlds also known as Rachel Roth or better yet her superhero alias Raven.

She groaned as she tried to move pushing herself into a sitting position begrudgingly however, she was not alone there right beside her was her longtime boyfriend Damien Wayne AKA Robin cuddling into her as if trying his best to take her pain into his own body all the while placing a soft kiss to her forehead. "Beloved, do you need anything," he asked with a soft tone before moving to get off the bed. "Pain relief lots and lots of pain relief." She choked out while pulling her hair out of her face.
Raven POV
I am Raven, half demon half human and I was born to be the world's greatest destruction. In other words, I am a ticking time bomb. But the one downside to being half demon is the punishments Which are especially worst for female demons. Well excluding my diabolical, evil father.

"Oh, Azar." I groaned Periods are my version of my hell and I have had the literal Devil inside a gem on MY FUCKING FOREHEAD. Periods are awful for a regular woman of course but for a demon, it is like your soul is being ripped from your body, it is nature's way of getting revenge and balance as there are more angels than demons and it gives us the pain so that we would have more chance of wanting to be pregnant to stop it from happening. But I was not planning on having a baby anytime soon, which means that I would have to suffer through it.
Back to third person's POV
The tower was quiet and peaceful the sun shone through the windows. There was Damian Wayne stood in front of the kitchen counter he was making his beloved a cup of Earl Gray tea and a packet of pain medication on the side as he waited for the water to come to the boil.
Every other Titan was out for "mandatory fun" as Kory called it but she let Raven and Damian stay back as Raven wasn't feeling her best. The whistling of the kettle brought Damian out of his thoughts. Carefully pouring the contents of the kettle inside Raven's favourite mug which already had a tea bag inside it and grabbing some chocolate from the cupboards for the demoness, once he was satisfied he made his way to his alhubu.

He got to her door and knocked to let his love know that he was there. She opened it just enough to let him in and then she immediately shut the door. Breathing a sigh of relief at his presence as he offered her the cup of tea and some pain relief which she took immediately. Before placing a passionate kiss on his lips, he eagerly responded to the contact.

"habibi." He whispered, his breath tickling her ear "you need rest." He murmured against her lips before pausing and choosing his words carefully before continuing "and while I would love nothing more than to shower you in affection and pleasure your health is more important right now." He said seriously with a seductive edge to his voice.

"Thank you, Dami I don't know what I would do without you, although I am sorry that you have to deal with me in such a weaken state." Raven replies looking deep into his green orbs. He looked at her with such love and affection his face broke into a smile "never apologise for who you are beloved you are the strongest person I know you are the light to my darkness, the angel to my demon I love you, Habibi."

Raven smiles she never thought that she would find someone who loves her for who she is "I love you too Damian." She says before climbing into bed beside him and drifting off to sleep in each other's arms.

alhubu= love (Arabic)
habibi=My love (Arabic)

You're as dark as my demon but your as light as the sun a DAMIRAE fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now