airport and meeting

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first chapter!! I hope you guys like it!!

I finally get off the plane and find myself in the very overwhelming JFK airport. I spent the last week with my family and friends back at home, which was refreshing; but I am very happy to get back to my apartment in New York City. Although it's not much, it finally feels like home.

As I finally reach the gate, I remember to turn my phone off of airplane mode. As soon as I do, I get a text from my childhood best friend, Taylor.

tay <3
what was up with you this week?
I knew you wouldn't tell me if I asked while you were here
so, talk to me now, what's up?

I read her texts and laugh a little. She knows me too well. I ignore the text for now because I don't want to get into this while I'm still at the airport knowing it will be a long conversation. Then I feel myself get another text.

tay <3
you have your read receipts on lol
text back or call me

ok I'm sorry
you're right, I was feeling off all week.
remember how I was telling you a while ago that I don't even know myself?
well, I'm starting to learn about myself, and boy is it hard.
I'm sorry, I didn't want to talk about it and ruin the short week I had at home.

tay <3
you did nothing wrong, no need to apologize.
ok, so what have you learned about yourself so far?

ok I'm just going to ft you for a quick summary because I'm still at the airport

                                                      Incoming facetime from tay <3

Taylor: Okay tell me what's going on.

As she talks, I take my mask off so she can see my face and I move to a corner where there's only one other woman. I don't pay too much attention to the other woman. She has a mask, sunglasses, and headphones in, so I'm not worried about her hearing this personal conversation.

y/n: Okay long story short I'm just really fucking lonely. Not only do I not know myself but most of the people around me don't know me either. I know that's my fault for not opening up, but it still sucks. For a while, I couldn't figure out why I feel like I'm incapable of opening up to people, but I think I finally figured it out. As you know, my older sister has been addicted to drugs since I was seven. Since she's 11 years older than me, I looked up to her and admired her growing up. When she left the first time, I was crushed. She came back, then left, came back, then left, over and over again. Each time she came back I immediately let her back in and opened up to her. But she still left. Every goddamn time. It's like she conditioned me to never open up to anyone again. She convinced me I'm not worth sticking around. She made me feel I'm not worthy of love. Because of her, I don't open up to any of my friends and lose them over time. Why would they want to stick around with such a surface-level person? You only know me so well because I've been around you for most of my life. I can't even get a significant other because the thought of getting that close to someone terrifies me.

I don't even realize the tears streaming down my face. I can't breathe. Am I talking too loud? How long have I been ranting? I see Taylor's eyes soften as she watches me catch my breath.

Taylor: Oh y/n. I am so sorry.

y/n: Taylor, I'm sorry I have to go. I love you. Bye.

Before she has the chance to respond, I hang up. I run my hands through my hair and try to catch my breath. I wipe the tears off of my cheeks and finally allow myself to get up off the floor. I didn't even realize I had been on the ground. I look up from my phone to see the woman I saw before take off her sunglasses and look me right in the eyes with sympathy. She must have heard my conversation. Before I can become embarrassed, I realize who is staring at me. I almost faint. I would know those emerald eyes anywhere. Before I can censor myself, I blurt out,

angel eyes 🤍Where stories live. Discover now