news story and baking

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I wake up from my phone buzzing, thousands more notifications come in from every form of social media. It was probably a dumb idea to post that picture, but I guess it's better to get it out of the way now if we're going to keep hanging out. I don't know if Lizzie wants to keep hanging out with me, but I want nothing more than to be with her. It feels like I'm in a dream that I don't really deserve to be in. I thought I loved her before meeting her, but wow she is so much better than I could have imagined.

I finally work up the courage to look at my phone. I ignore most of the notifications and check my texts.

ally (:
wake up
have you seen it yet?

What the hell is she talking about? I see a million texts from my family and Taylor, all asking the same thing. Finally, as if she read my mind, Ally sends me a link to what they're all freaking out about.

Marvel's Elizabeth Olsen seen with mystery woman multiple days in a row. Is there romance in the air? We did some digging to find out

Elizabeth Olsen has been spotted all around New York City, cozy with a new mystery woman. The pair have been spotted adventuring around the city, hand in hand at times. At first, the woman's identity was unknown, until we found the infamous post on Instagram.

Y/n Y/ln, a small-town girl from Ohio, made her way to New York City a few months ago. Currently, she is working at a local veterinary hospital. Scroll down to find out more about Elizabeth Olsen's new mystery girl!

I drop my phone on the bed. How do they know so much about me? What the fuck is going on? I know I told Lizzie I wasn't freaked out when the paparazzi took this picture, but this is totally different. Before I know it, my breath is erratic, my mind is spinning, my hands are shaking. Before I can completely freak out about myself, I think of Lizzie. I'm a fucking idiot. I made her life harder than it already is. Now she has to deal with this nonsense because I posted a picture of her. I try to calm down a little as I pick up my phone to text her. Before I get the chance, I see her text to me.

elizabeth fucking Olsen 💚
y/n I am so sorry I dragged you into the spotlight
you do not deserve this invasion of privacy

I ws actually aboit to text u
I am si sorry

My fingers wont stop shaking, I can't type properly. She'll get the gist. I feel like Im spiraling again.

elizabeth fucking Olsen 💚
y/n are you okay?

I ignore the text. It's not her fault, I just don't have the energy to text back. I don't have the energy to even move. Everyone knows who I am. What does this mean? What am I going to do?

elizabeth fucking Olsen 💚
y/n don't ignore me 
tell me if you're okay

I can barely even read the texts through my blurry vision. Oh god, this is not good.

elizabeth fucking Olsen 💚

I'm paralyzed. I sit on the floor, my knees up to my chest as I rock back and forth to try and calm myself. My nails are digging in my palms. I don't think I'm getting out of this one. I can't control my breathing, I can't control my thoughts, I can't control my body, I can't control anything. My vision starts to get blurry and go black. From lack of oxygen or something else, I'm not sure. Suddenly, there are loud knocks on my door. I want to get up, but my body won't let me. I can't move. I must have forgotten to lock the door because I hear it swing open.

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