the restaurant

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My breath hitches as I see her. Wow. She is absolutely ethereal. Oh god, there that word is again. I have to stop that if I want to be friends with her! I must have just been staring at her because she says my name again.

"Earth to y/n! Hello?" she asks, laughing at me. Oh my god, this is so embarrassing. I feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Wow, you look beautiful." Why did I say that?

"Now it's my turn to blush! Thank you, y/n. You do too!" Thankfully she jokes about my blushing, so I don't feel so awkward now. She has a calming effect on me. She makes me feel comfortable enough to just say the things I'm thinking. I think I kind of like it. Time to get out of my head.

"Let's go inside! I reserved us a table on the rooftop!" She sounds so excited. My heart melts a little.

I follow her inside the restaurant and twirl around to take in the beautiful decorations and atmosphere. Plants and fairy lights are hanging from the ceiling making the small room feel so homey and comfortable. There are painting on every wall, catching your eye with the absolute beauty of it. I think this is my new favorite place and I haven't even had the food yet. The hostess leads us up to the rooftop which is just as wonderful. Our table is under a terrace that is decorated with more lights and plants. As we sit down, I continue to look around at the magnificent place. I hear a small chuckle and look at the beautiful woman I'm with.

"What's so funny?" I ask, teasing her but genuinely curious.

"You look like a little kid right now. Your eyes are literally sparkling as you're looking around. It's cute!" She laughs at my blushing cheeks. "Are you going to blush every time I compliment you?"

"I've never blushed before in my whole life. I don't know what you're talking about Elizabeth!" I say sarcastically and we both laugh at my blatant lie.

"You can call me Lizzie, y/n. Anyways, are you from around here?" Lizzie asks, I guess we're starting to get to know each other now. She looks genuinely interested, and surprisingly I want to tell her everything.

"No, I'm actually from Ohio. I lived in a small town in Ohio my whole life until recently. I even went to college close to my hometown, so I've always had my home and my family to fall back on. I'm really close with my family since we've never really been apart. But I felt like I needed a change, so I moved here by myself to hopefully grow." After I finish my sentence, I'm surprised by my own admissions. I must've visibly look surprised because Lizzie asks,

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, I'm sorry. I guess I was just surprised by my answer. I don't open up to people, even to just talk about my childhood," I admit. Wow. It is so easy to talk to her.

"Well, I'm glad you feel like you can open up to me." She smiles at me with warm eyes.

I take a second to admire her and hold eye contact with her soft eyes. The prolonged contact makes my heart flutter. Finally, I break the comfortable silence and ask,

"You're not from around here, right?"

"No, I'm from LA. How did you know?" She asks with her eyebrow up and a smirk like she knows the answer.

Oh god. "Uh, you may or may not be my celebrity crush so I've seen some of your interviews and know some things about you. But not in a creepy way!" I add the last part after hearing her warm giggles. I want to literally melt into the floor so I can get out of this situation. She keeps laughing at me, so I blurt out, "Please stop before I jump off of this roof," and put my hands over my face.

She reaches over and takes my hands away from my face. The electric currents from her touch shoot to my spine.

"Y/n, it's okay. I promise." she says softly. I search her eyes and see that she is being completely genuine. I relax as she continues the conversation. "Okay, so you went to college in Ohio. What did you go for? What do you do now?"

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