coffee and the park

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Lizzie POV
The next day I wake up and know what I need to do. I text Robbie to see if he can talk. He calls me and we actually talk through everything. I tell him exactly how I'm feeling, being open for the first time in a long time. With his music and my career, we just grew apart. I think he was too blinded by the opportunity of us staying together that he didn't realize that he felt the same way. After talking through it, we both agreed it was best for us to move on. As hard as this is, I'm happy we ended on good terms. I will always care about him deeply, but I'm just not in love with him anymore. It makes it easier that he feels the same way. Even though we ended on good terms, I'm still upset at the end of the relationship.

As soon as I hang up the phone, I want to tell y/n everything. I just want to spend some more time with her. She made me happy yesterday, I could really use some of that now. As if she read my mind, I get a text from her.

I wake up smiling. I know it's ridiculous, but I'm just gonna go with it. I'm happy, why think about it too much? Maybe I'll just go with the flow, do things spontaneously, say things without overthinking!

I want to talk to her, so I'm just going to text her! Wow, what a crazy idea.

hi, angel eyes!
want to get coffee or something?

I put my phone down to take a quick shower. Even though I'm trying to be spontaneous and not overthink things, the normal anxiety of waiting for a text is still there. I laugh as I put on my Elizabeth Olsen Vibes playlist. That will never get old. I sing along in the shower to distract myself. Thank god nobody can hear me.

By the time I get out of the shower, I received five texts.

elizabeth fucking Olsen 💚
I would love to!
when and where?
oh wait, let me try to play that a little cooler
miss me already?(;

I can practically hear her laugh reading those texts.

it was much cuter when I did that
I will not be pretending you played it cool
you are so eager to see me, it's honestly embarrassing

elizabeth fucking Olsen 💚
I take it back
I would not like to get coffee with you

I can't believe I blew my chance with THE Elizabeth Olsen!
wow, what a bummer
ugh, how will I ever survive this heartbreak?

elizabeth fucking Olsen 💚
you are such a dork
meet at the little coffee shop by your apartment in an hour?

perfect (:
see you soon ya goof

My cheeks hurt from smiling.

I quickly get up so I can get ready. I put on a cute casual outfit: some mom jeans, a brown tank top with an oversized flannel over it. I wear variations of the same outfit every day, I should probably get some variety, but it makes me feel comfortable and kind of cute. What else could I ask for?

I get ready quicker than I anticipated so I walk around my apartment to hide any more potentially embarrassing things in case Lizzie comes over again. Better to be prepared!

I walk to the little coffee shop near my apartment, listening to From Eden by Hozier, another song on the playlist. I go into the shop and sit at a table, waiting for Lizzie to order our coffee together.

As soon as she walks in and meets my eyes, I melt under her gaze. She has some sort of control over me. Lizzie walks up to me with a bright smile. She could light up the darkest room just with her smile. As she walks up to me, I accidentally look her up and down, taking in her outfit.

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