grocery store and cooking

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We make our way to the grocery store, listening to music and laughing on the way. I grab a cart when we walk inside and follow her around as she goes up and down every aisle.

"Okay so I need ingredients to make pasta," Lizzie says to me as we walk down the aisle.

I see the boxes of noodles and pick one up, "this one okay?"

Lizzie looks at me and raises her eyebrows in shock. "Y/n, how dare you? I thought you were Italian!" She teases me with a laugh.

"Oh! You're making it homemade? Sorry, I'm used to the lazy way of making pasta," I give her a sheepish grin.

"Well, we're making it homemade! You're going to help me make my favorite food," Lizzie tells me rather than asking. I mentally kick myself for how much I like it when she tells me what to do. I decide I can't let her have the satisfaction of knowing this.

"Oh, is that right?" I smirk with an eyebrow raised. "I don't remember agreeing to this. What if I have dinner plans?"

Lizzie scoffs a little, "Just be a good girl and listen to me," she says casually.

Okay, that was too much for me to act cool. My eyes go wide, and heat rises to my cheeks. I attempt to gulp but start choking on nothing. Good girl? You have got to be kidding me.

Lizzie turns around at my coughing. She sees my blushed cheeks and must have put two and two together.

"Do I really have that much of an effect on you, Y/n?" Lizzie almost whispers, giving me a mischievous grin.

My mouth drops open and I can't do anything but stare back at her.

Lizzie seems satisfied by my lack of ability to speak so she turns around and continues to walk down the aisle laughing to herself.

"Are you coming Y/ln?" Lizzie calls back to me.

I finally catch up to her and allow myself to smile at the ridiculousness of what she just said. "People don't say things like that in real life. That's some shit out of a movie or something," I tell her with a laugh.

"Well, I am an actor."

"You are unbelievable," I playfully push her as I tease her.

"So I've heard," Lizzie smirks at me.

I am now determined to get her back for purposely flustering me like that. I remember she blushed when I called her love and then again when we were dancing close to each other. I will definitely be using that.

Oh, wait a minute. Now that I think about it, why did she do that? Was she just playfully teasing me? As a friend? Now she knows I'm attracted to her since she saw how flustered I got. Friends can find friends attractive, though. Right?

"Y/n, stop thinking so much! Let's go check out," Lizzie calls out, pulling me out of my head. I do have to stop thinking so much. Everything that happens between us doesn't need to be overanalyzed. I just have to get out of my head and let things happen, whether that's continuing this flirty friendship or something else. I'll just let Lizzie lead the way.

"So, when and where are we making this pasta? It seems like you already have the plans made," I ask her with a warm laugh.

"Wanna come to my house and make it? My sisters aren't there right now so we'll have the kitchen to ourselves."

"Sounds great," I smile at her.

Lizzie POV
As we drive home with the groceries, I suddenly feel nervous about Y/n coming to my house. I usually don't bring people home. It's the only place where I feel safe and where I can truly unwind, so I never wanted anyone ruining that. I've only known Y/n for a couple of weeks, but all I want is to bring her in and open up to her. After listening to Y/n talk about her own emotions, I've realized I'm the same way. I've always blamed it on being a celebrity. I would just excuse it by saying it was difficult to find people to open up to and relate to, but that's honestly bullshit. I just isolate myself because it's easier and a lot less scary. You can't get hurt if you're alone. I guess I haven't had anyone come into my life that made me want to take that risk. Until Y/n.

"Stop thinking so much!" Y/n says, pulling me out of my head. She always uses my lines against me. I look at her and see her warm smile and gaze already on me. "You're going to get wrinkles if you keep furrowing your eyebrows like that." 

I wiggle my eyebrows at her, earning a little laugh. She's right, I need to stop thinking so much. I love being around Y/n, I love getting to know her, and she makes me happy. What is there to think about? I just need to get out of my head and let whatever happens, happen.

We pull into my driveway and Y/n's eyes grow wide.

"Holy shit, your house is amazing," Y/n says while her eyes search around, taking in the view of my house.

I just laugh in response and get out of the car. Y/n jumps out to grab the grocery bags before I can.

"You know, I can carry some of those?" I tell her in amusement as she continues to loop the grocery bag handles on her arm.

"No, no I got it! But we don't take more than one trip, so I have to carry all of the bags in now," Y/n says like it makes sense.

I furrow my brows at her while I laugh a little at her. "That is totally unnecessary. We can just walk back out here and get the rest."

"How dare you suggest such a ridiculous thing! We bring all the groceries inside in one trip! No arguments!" Y/n says, acting like I've said the craziest thing ever. "But you will need to open the door for me," she adds with a laugh as she struggles to hold the bags.

We make our way inside and Y/n manages to get all the bags on the kitchen island. After she puts them down, she starts to roam around, looking at everything in my house.

"Your house is very you. I love it," Y/n says as she spins around to take in everything.

"Thank you. I'm glad you like it," I respond with a shy grin. Any time she compliments me I feel my heart race.

I get the recipe out for my favorite pasta and get out all of the ingredients.

"Y/n come here and make the pasta while I make the sauce," I call out to her while she's looking around my living room.

"Yes ma'am," I hear her say as she comes to the kitchen.

I'm at the island cutting up vegetables to start making the sauce. Y/n comes and stands right next to me and gets a bowl to start making the pasta dough. All of a sudden, Y/n starts moving closer to me. She reaches her arm in front of me, causing our faces to be centimeters apart.

"Sorry, love. I just need to grab the salt," Y/n husks out with a lingering smirk as she grabs the salt from next to me. My breath hitches as she lingers in front of my face longer than necessary, her gaze lowering to my lips. I feel my cheeks blush as I think about how much I want to close the distance between us. She finally pulls away from me and gets back to making the pasta dough like nothing happened. I guess I deserved that after what I said in the store.

I'm too competitive for this little game. I will win.

We continue to make the pasta, stealing glances every so often. We sway along to the music and occasionally sing to each other.

We finally finish making dinner. I pour us two glasses of wine and bring them to the table while she follows me with the two plates of food. I wait for her to take the first bite, wanting to see her reaction to my favorite food.

"Holy shit! This is so good! Wow, we did a really good job," Y/n says, looking genuinely impressed with our work. I just laugh at her response.

Y/n tends to eat like a child, so she got some pasta sauce on her face. As I'm about to tell her to wipe it off, I get the brilliant idea.

"You have a little on your face," I say as I reach my hand up to her face and wipe by her mouth slowly, landing my thumb on her bottom lip. I pull her lip back a little as I move my hand away. I take my thumb in my mouth and suck off the pasta sauce while maintaining eye contact. Y/n's eyes go wide and her cheeks instantly get red. She blinks a couple of times in an attempt to pretend like she's not affected.

"You're really bad at acting," I add with a little laugh. Y/n just hums and nods in response.

"Shy all of a sudden?" I tease raising my eyebrows, trying to make her more flustered.

Y/n just playfully rolls her eyes, "Don't flatter yourself, Lizzie."

I cannot wait to see where this little game takes us.

little chapter in honor of lizzie's birthday!!!!

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