ice cream and dinner

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I lay on top of Lizzie while she scratches my back. I pick my head up and rest my chin on her chest so I can look at her. I see her brows furrowed in thought. That scares me. What if she regrets what happened? What if we ruined this amazing relationship we've built? My heart starts to race a little thinking about the possibility of losing her. Before I can get too far gone, I realize I need to get out of my head. If this relationship is going to go anywhere, I need to just talk to her.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask her, unable to hide the concern in my voice. "Do you regret what happened?" I'm scared to hear the answer.

"No, not at all, Y/n," Lizzie reassures me with a soft voice. "I'm just thinking about where we go from here."

"Okay. Well, what were you thinking?"

"I want to be with you. I know that." Lizzie grabs my hand and rubs circles with her thumb, trying to reassure me. But I sense her apprehension still.


"I'm terrified," Lizzie admits with a small voice.

"Of what?"

"So many things. I'm scared of telling the public. I'm scared of telling my friends. I'm scared of telling my family. As far as everyone knows, I'm straight. Coming out to the whole words and the people I love is terrifying. What if it affects my career? Or my relationships with my friends and family? But the thing I'm most scared of is losing you. What if I fuck this up? I don't want this fear and anxiety to run my life but there are just so many things to worry about," Lizzie admits her feelings, looking down at our interlocked hands. I move my head to try and meet her gaze. When I finally do, I see her eyes are glassy. It hurts me to see her like this.

"Okay, let's take that one at a time," I say as I rub her cheek with my free hand. "As far as coming out goes, it is scary. I've only really come out to my family, and it was terrifying. Even though I knew they would accept me, I was still scared. But, if you want me to, I'll be by your side for it all. I think having someone by your side would make things easier. And once you do it, you'll feel much better, like a weight lifted off of your shoulders," I say softly as I wipe away the little tear forming in her eyes.

"As far as telling the public goes, that is also going to be scary. I wish I could tell you all of this will be easy, but it won't. But we'll be in it together. It'll be new for both of us. Plus, they already started the rumors of us being a couple when we were first pictured together, so it will only be confirming that." I kiss her hand to try and comfort her.

"And as far as us goes, don't be scared. We fit so well together, Liz. Even if we don't work out, I am positive that our journey together will be the best, most exciting, and lovely adventure of our lives. I promise that you won't fuck it up. I'm not going anywhere," I finish, kissing her cheek.

"How are you so good at that?" Lizzie asks with a smile as she wipes a tear away.

"What?" I trace her face with my finger, making her nose scrunch in the most adorable way.

"Making me feel happy and safe, no matter what's going on."

"I'm glad you feel that way," I say as I nuzzle back into her chest, wrapping my arms around her.

"I know everything seems scary, but we'll take it one step at a time. We can do everything at your pace. We're in this together," I assure Lizzie.

"Thank you, Y/n. We're in this together," Lizzie repeats.

We get up to start our day, for real this time. It's now past lunchtime.

"Want to have dinner at my place? I can cook for us," I ask Lizzie after we put some clothes on for the day.

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