getting ready and party

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After picking up some stuff at my house, we drive over to Lizzie's to get ready. Her bathroom is literally three times the size of mine, so it just makes more sense. Lizzie immediately starts to straighten her hair and I'm reminded of my inability to do my hair and makeup. I stare at myself in the mirror for a second, wondering what I should even start with.

"How should I do my hair?" I ask Lizzie, unsure which style will look best.

"Definitely curl it. It looked great when you did it curled it for our first dinner," Lizzie says as she looks in the mirror while straightening her hair.

I hum in response and get to work. My hair is too long and thick for this. I brush it out and separate the layer. I finally finish curling my hair after what seemed like hours. My arms are so tired. I dramatically plop myself on the floor and groan, "Now I have to do my makeup ugh."

Lizzie laughs at my theatrics. "Okay, don't be so dramatic, Y/n. Come here."

I get up and walk over to her. She pats the chair, telling me to sit down. I sit, following even her silent commands. I realize I've obediently followed everything she's said, and it looks like she realized it too.

"Who knew you were so submissive?" Lizzie says with a smirk.

"Lizzie!" I say with wide eyes and raised eyebrows as I hit her arm.

Lizzie laughs in response. "I'll do your makeup so you don't have another meltdown. Close your eyes."

I do what she says, even after her last comment. I just really don't want to do my makeup so I'll let her have the satisfaction of listening to her again. As she does my makeup, I realize just how close her face is to mine. She puts some blush on my cheekbones and I can't help but stare at her as she works. My eyes unconsciously flicker down to her lips.

"My eyes are up here, Y/n," Lizzie teases with a raised eyebrow. At her comment, I blush immediately. "Well now I can't tell where I put the blush," Lizzie says with a laugh.

"Shut up," is all I can blurt out.

Lizzie does all of my makeup, saving me from the pain of not knowing what I'm doing. She creates a perfectly natural look. Lizzie finished her makeup and I can't help watching her while she does. Her eyeshadow pops her beautiful green eyes even more than I thought possible. She pulls back her straightened hair, pulling out the baby hairs to frame her face.

"Are you done staring?" Lizzie asks, looking at me through the mirror.

"Never," I respond with a smirk. "You look absolutely stunning, Liz."

Lizzie walks closer to me and grabs my hand. "Thank you, y/n." She brings my hand up and spins me around, causing me to laugh. "You look beautiful," Lizzie tells me when I stop spinning and meet her gaze. I smile in response, never getting enough of her compliments.

Lizzie's phone buzzes causing her to break our eye contact. "The uber is here. Let's go!" She takes my hand again and pulls me behind her. I open the door for her to get in the uber and scoot in after her.

"Wait, who's party are we going to?" I ask Lizzie in the car.

"Scarlett's," Lizzie tells me nonchalantly with a little smile on her face.

"As in Johansson?" I choke out with wide eyes.

Lizzie just laughs.

"Fuck, Lizzie! A warning would have been nice!"

"I didn't want to freak you out. You'll be fine!" Lizzie says while grabbing my hand.

"If I make a fool out of myself in front of Scarlett just shoot me there. Deal?"

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