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Lizzie POV
As soon as I send the text, I throw my phone across the couch and go to the kitchen. Why is my heart beating so fast? Was that text too risky? I feel such an electric spark with her. I want to spend time with her, get to know her. AS FRIENDS I remind myself! I'm straight! I did experiment with some girls in college though. My mind ping pongs back and forth. Why am I arguing with myself? I'm literally straight, no question. Classic overthinking.

But what if she thinks it's a date? Oh, wait she probably still thinks I'm engaged. Robbie and I just called off the engagement, but we haven't released that information to the public yet. I can't help but feel a little disappointed that she thinks I'm engaged. She must just want to be friends. BUT WE ARE JUST FRIENDS. Okay, wait. Why am I convincing MYSELF that I'm just friends with y/n? I know I'm just friends with y/n. This is no big deal!

I laugh out loud at my own ridiculousness. I walk back over to my phone, immediately smiling as I see there's a response.

beautiful stranger 💛
are you kidding??
name the time and place and I'm there
oh, wait I should try to play it cool ignore those last texts...
uh yeah, I don't think I have plans, I could probably swing it!

She is so fucking adorable.

Holy shit, am I dreaming? Is she asking me out?

I cover my eyes with my hands and shake my head at the thought. Of course, she's not asking me out! She's engaged! To a man! I respond a little too quickly.

I hit my forehead at my awkwardness. Hopefully, she's not weirded out and thinks it's kind of cute. After what seemed like hours (which actually was only four minutes) my phone buzzed with her response.

elizabeth fucking Olsen 💚
you're cute lol
I'll pretend like you played it cool
how about that new place in little Italy at 6?

I can practically hear her teasing voice and see her classic smirk. I laugh before responding. 

sounds perfect
i'll see you then :)

elizabeth fucking Olsen 💚
can't wait :)

After making a proper dinner, unpacking, and showering, I decided to go to bed. I want to sleep as soon as possible so I can wake up tomorrow, the day I go to dinner with Elizabeth Olsen!!

I wake up the next morning much earlier than usual. I realize I haven't even told anyone about this crazy scenario. I guess I shouldn't tell too many people, I don't want to accidentally give her any more media attention. Well, that works out because I really only have two people I would tell: my sister Ally and, of course, Taylor.

I decided to just do a group facetime call with both of them. I don't think my heart can take repeating this crazy story multiple times.

Facetime tay <3 and ally :)

They both pick up on the first ring and I chuckle.

Taylor: Y/n I am so sorry for yesterday.

Ally: Wait why is Taylor apologizing?

I brush them both off and ignore the question. I really dont want to get into it again and have to tell Ally everything I'm feeling. Talking about my emotions is not one of my strong suits, and that's an understatement. 

Y/n: So you know Elizabeth Olsen?

My quick change of subject takes them both off guard.

Ally: Yes, y/n. You literally have her WandaVision poster behind you.

Taylor: Uhhh yes. You are literally obsessed with her. How could we not? Why?

Y/n: Okay chill. I'm not obsessed with her.

I use air quotes for the word obsessed as I shrug and try to pretend she's exaggerating. Maybe if I pretend hard enough, I'll forget she's my celebrity crush and be less nervous about dinner with her.

Taylor: Why are you lying to us right now?

She can't help but laugh at my blatant lie. My cheeks start to blush as I think about tonight. I try to put my head down to hide it, but both of them unfortunately notice. They narrow their eyes at me.

Taylor: Why are you blushing? What are you up to?

Ally: You're being weird. Just tell us what is going on!

I blurt out the whole story. I tell them about our conversation in the airport, the electricity I felt from her touch, our text conversation, and our dinner plans tonight. Their faces are priceless. Their eyes are bulging and their mouths are hanging open. I can't help but start cracking up. At the same time they say:

Taylor and Ally: You're fucking kidding me.

Y/n: I am absolutely serious. I really wish you guys were in New York. I need help getting ready!

Taylor: No worries! I'll help you pick out your outfit on facetime.

Ally: And I'll tell you how to do your hair and makeup. We got this!

They both sensed my anxiety and knew exactly what to say and how to help. After talking with them for another hour and a half, I finally picked out the perfect outfit. Not too fancy but not too casual. I've always been bad at doing hair and makeup so Ally taught me how to curl my hair and put on some natural-looking makeup.

I take a look in the mirror and actually don't hate it. My surprisingly well-curled hair flows over my shoulders. I have a dark green tank top on with a light brown jacket over top. My jeans are form-fitting at my waist and thighs but loosen at the bottom. I place a ring on almost all of my fingers (including the Wanda one, of course) and put on the butterfly necklace I wear every day. I put on my trusty pair of doc martens to finish the outfit. It's finally 5:30 so I text Elizabeth letting her I'm on my way.

I live pretty close to Little Italy so I walk to the restaurant. The walk isn't long but I listen to music on my Air Pods anyways. I don't think I could live without these things. I start laughing out loud as I look at the playlist I was listening to on the plane. It's called Elizabeth Olsen Vibes. You have to be kidding me! As I'm laughing to myself like an idiot, I hear something over my music so I look up.

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