doubts and bagels

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hmm don't know how I feel about this one but good the relationship is getting deeper!
also I'm going to Houston for a few days so pls comment if you guys know any fun things to do there!!

After we finish our conversation with Ally, my heart feels like it's glowing. It was so nice to finally tell someone that we're dating.

"That felt good," Lizzie tells me while leaning her head on my shoulder.

I hum in response and lean down to kiss her forehead.

"Do you wanna make plans to go out with my sisters?" Lizzie asks quietly.

"Oh, god. I just know I'm gonna make a fool of myself in front of the Olsen twins," I reply with a smile, only half joking.

"Stop doubting yourself, you'll be great," she tells me, rubbing my hand with her thumb.

"Okay, let's do it. But don't be surprised if you become my third favorite Olsen," I tease, unable to contain my laughter.

Lizzie's head shoots up before hitting my arm, hard. Before she can tease me back or yell at me, the doorbell rings, meaning our food is finally here. I jump up from the hammock, suddenly realizing just how hungry I am.

I grab the box of pizza and get some plates and napkins from the kitchen. Lizzie follows me inside, taking the box from me and sitting on the couch. We sit, facing each other, cross-legged, while we eat.

"What is something that nobody else knows about you?" I ask her while eating the delicious pizza. "Sorry, that was kinda out of nowhere, I just want to get to know everything about you. You are very interesting, Olsen," I tell her with a laugh while resting my chin on my hands, giving her my full attention.

Lizzie laughs then hums in thought for a second, trying to come up with a quality answer. "Nobody knows just how much anxiety I have. Most of the time, especially in public, it feels like my heart is going to beat out of my chest and my lungs are going to collapse. It overwhelms all of my senses. I just get so anxious about so many things that I can't control.  Anxiety really is awful," she finishes her confession. I take her hand in mine, heart aching at her admission.

"I mean, I've heard you talk about your anxiety in previous interviews but I had no idea it was that bad still. When we've been in public together I didn't realize you were feeling that way. Was I just that oblivious?" I ask, genuinely upset that I could have missed her being so anxious.

"No, Y/n, not at all. The times I was out with you I didn't feel anxious at all. For the first time in a long time, I forgot about all of the things that usually give me anxiety in public because I was with you. Actually, that safe feeling I had with you made me realize I like you more than a friend," Lizzie tells me with a sweet smile. My heart swells.

I pull her into a deep kiss, pouring the emotion I felt hearing her admission into the kiss. "I'm so glad you feel that way. You make me feel safe, too, Liz." Lizzie just smiles at me in response.

"Okay, now you tell me something nobody else knows."

I look around, trying to think of a deep enough answer. "Probably just how much I doubt and second guess myself. I think I doubt just about every thought that comes into my head," I admit with a little sad laugh. "Even very simple things that I know are right, I'll convince myself I'm wrong. It's debilitating sometimes, always hearing a little voice in my head saying I'm wrong or not enough. I usually don't verbalize my doubts and just let them fester in my head until I'm either proven right or wrong. Usually, my crazy assumptions and doubts are wrong, but it really sucks when they're actually right."

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