our songs

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Lizzie POV
I have never felt the way that I feel when I dance with Y/n. I almost can't find a word to describe it. On second thought, maybe I can, but it's still a little too early for that.

"Maybe this could be one of our songs?" I mumble with my head resting on her shoulder.

"One of? Do we have others?" Y/n asks me with a little laugh.

"Well Riptide is the first song we sang together, so that has to be one of them. I realized you were special after that. When we danced to Like Real People Do we almost kissed, so that has to be another one. After that, I kind of realized I might have feelings for you.  When you played me Lady May I realized I might actually have a chance with you, so that has to be one. When we danced to Dress I realized just how bad I wanted you, so that has to be another one," I went on listing them, getting glossy-eyed at the precious memories we make with music. I meet Y/n's eyes and am met with the same emotions.

"It seems like you realized something about me with each of those songs, so what did you realize about me this time?" Y/n asks in a soft voice. I want to tell her I realized I might love her, but I'm too scared. Scared it's too early, scared to get hurt, scared to hurt her.

I hum in thought, buying myself time to come up with a sufficient answer. "Maybe I haven't figured it out yet," I say, half truthfully. Maybe I'm confusing my emotions.

Y/n accepts this answer and pulls me into a tight hug. I could stay here forever.

When we finish dancing, we eat our breakfast together while listening to the rest of the album. I love mornings like this. It's so domestic, so sweet. If I started every day like this, I think I would be happy for the rest of my life. Before I can daydream too far into the future, my buzzing phone gets me out of my head.

I had almost forgotten I texted my sisters last night but now our sister group chat is going crazy.

sistaassss 💃

oh my god
we get to meet y/n???
I am so excited

ok I'm too excited to wait
let's get dinner!!
we don't have plans right MK?
also, are we meeting her as your friend or...?

I chuckle to myself reading the texts.

"What's so funny, Olsen?" Y/n asks while smiling at me. I can't get enough of that smile.

"My sisters are very excited to meet you," I tell her before turning the phone so she can read the messages.

"Very good question Mary Kate! Are we introducing me as a friend?" Y/n asks softly with a smile, her words holding no pressure in them. I love the way she always wants me to be comfortable.

"I don't know. I kinda like the sound of introducing you as my girlfriend," I say with a smirk. She makes me feel confidence I didn't know I had.

I just realized how I have been thinking of her, internally praising and complimenting her after every thought. Oof, I'm down bad. Oh well.

The smile that spreads across Y/n's face is precious and contagious. "I would love that, Liz. Only if you're ready though," she adds, grabbing my hands in hers.

"I loved telling your sister last night, I want that same experience. I'm ready," I admit, kissing her hand.

Y/n grabs my face in her hands and kisses me deeply, only breaking the kiss because she can't contain her smile anymore. "Tell them we'll meet for dinner!" She says excitedly.

sistaassss 💃
wanna get dinner at that place in little Italy?
meet at 6?

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