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I can't believe how well I click with THE Elizabeth Olsen. It was so easy to talk to her. I've never opened up to someone like that.
I have to tell someone about this.

         Facetiming tay & ally

Taylor: Oh my god, how was it?

She answers the first ring. She must have been waiting for an update. I laugh at her eagerness.

Y/n: Dude. She is amazing. She just left my apartment!

Taylor: Wait.

Ally: She went to your apartment after dinner?

Y/n:  Yes!

Taylor: But you hate being alone with new people!

This is true. Usually, I HATE being alone with people. I'm bad at small talk and hate awkward silences, so being alone with someone gives me so much anxiety. As you can imagine, this is not great for dating. First dates are kind of my nightmare.

Y/n: This was different. She's different! We talked for hours. It was so easy to talk to her! I told her so much about my life and my feelings and she told me all about hers. I actually opened up to her, I didn't hold back at all!

Ally: Y/n that is amazing. We are both so happy for you.

Their smile warms my heart. She is truly happy to finally see me happy.

Y/n: Thank you, guys. I really am happy. I already can't wait to see her again.

As I talk more about Lizzie and how incredible the day was, I see Taylor's smile fade.

Taylor: Please, just be careful. She sounds amazing, and I think you guys will be great friends, but try not to fall in love with another straight girl.

My first reaction is to get defensive, but I know she's right. If I keep this up, I will fall in love with her and I will get heartbroken.

Y/n: Ugh. You're right. I need to chill out a little bit. I need you both to keep reminding me that she and I are just friends.

After we finish our conversation, I can't get out of my head. I'm glad Taylor said something, but now the fear of heartbreak has burrowed in my brain. I have never clicked like that with anyone before. I'm scared I'm going to ruin this and lose her forever. I start to pace around my apartment, my mind racing a million miles a minute. If I continue to spend time with her, I'll fall in love and ruin everything. If I distance myself from her, she'll leave.

Okay, I need to relax. I've known this girl for two days. But she has already made me feel happier than I've felt in a long time.

I lean against my kitchen island and let my head hang. I take a couple of deep breaths to slow my heart rate back down. I down the last of the wine in my glass and take it to the sink. I clean my glass and start to clean Lizzie's when I notice the light lipstick stain on the rim of the glass. I smile a little, wanting her to come back already.

JUST FRIENDS! The little voice in my head screams a reminder at me. Right, right. I finish cleaning up and finally make my way to bed. I will not let my anxieties get the better of me. Today was a good day! I had a really amazing time with my new friend. I can't wait to learn more about her.

As I'm about to fall asleep, I feel my phone buzz.

Lizzie POV
I haven't gotten along with someone that well in a long time. Maybe even ever!

It's been such a long time since I've made a new friend and gotten to know someone like that. We just talked, like real people do. It was all so genuine, so pure, so lovely. I wish I could have stayed the whole night, just so we could keep talking, but when she started talking about knowing herself, I had to get out of there to think. I resonated with everything she said. I related to it all, a little too much. Do I know myself? Do I even know who I want to be with?

Before I start to freak out and get overwhelmed, I take a couple of breaths. I don't have to learn everything about myself in a night, it will be okay.

I get so lost in thought I didn't realize I had made it home. I walk in the door and see my sisters on the couch watching TV.

"Hey Lizzie," Ashley says when she sees me.

"Where have you been?" Mary-Kate adds, both still watching the show on TV.

"Oh, I was just at dinner with a new friend," I say with a smile.

With this, they both turn their heads around to face me, looking at me with some confusion.

"A new friend? Who?" Ashely asks.

"Also, dinner? It's past midnight!" MK notices.

"I met her at the airport yesterday."

"You spent the day with a complete stranger??" Ashely asks with furrowed eyebrows. They both look confused and concerned.

"My beautiful stranger," I mumble quietly so they don't hear me. But I guess they do deserve an explanation. "We talked for a little at the airport, but I wanted to get to know her more, so I asked her to meet me for dinner tonight. We talked all through dinner and then I went back to her apartment to talk more. It was just so easy to be with her. She's so genuine and kind, it felt nice to have such a pure connection."As I'm talking, my smile grows more. At first, I try to bite my lip to hide it, but I fail. I can't help but smile when I talk about her. I even smile when I think about her. Damn.

MK and Ashely share a knowing look and smirk. "Ohhhh," Ashley says, teasingly.

"Uh. What?" I ask, confused as to what I'm missing.

"You like her,"MK observes.

"Well yeah! I think we'll be good friends. She's really great." I say, clearly missing their point because they both shake their heads.

"No, Lizzie. You have a little crush on this girl!" Ashely exclaims.

"No, no, no. You guys. I do not have a crush on y/n!" I say with red cheeks.

"You're literally blushing right now," Ashley says with a little smile, seemingly trying not to embarrass me more.

"No. We are just friends!" As I say this, they share another glance at each other, which I ignore. "Anyway, I talked to y/n about the whole Robbie situation, so I wanted to talk to you guys about it too. I realized that I just want to move on. I know you guys want me to try and give it another shot, but I just can't. I have no hard feelings towards him, but I just don't believe that he is my person," I'm talking fast, nervous as to what their reactions will be. Will they accept this decision? I need their approval, but I really just want to move on.

To my surprise, they nod. "We totally support you, Lizzie. You should do what makes you happy," Ashely says, smiling at me.

Wow, I want expecting that. "Just yesterday you guys were telling me to give him another chance. What changed?"

"You did. Now you seem to actually know what you want. Y/n must give some good advice," MK teases with a wink.

I just roll my eyes and chuckle, "well that makes me feel so much better. Thanks for the support, you guys. I'm going to call him tomorrow. Good night, you two," I say as I walk up to my bedroom.

"Good night, Lizzie," the twins say in unison.

I lay down in my bed and reflect on the day. Although I'm anxious for tomorrow, I'm not going to let that get the better of me. I had a great day with y/n and I can't wait to see her again. I smile thinking about her and reach for my phone to text her.

thank you for the amazing dinner and drinks
I really needed that
let's hang out again soon
good night, y/n (:

beautiful stranger 💛
I'm really great company, I know
just kidding!!
you're amazing, I can't wait to do it again
good night, lizzie (:

Could she be any cuter?

sorry I kind of hate this chapter. I'm writing the next one now so I can post one I actually like lol

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