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We continue to play games and mingle with everyone, getting drunker than we meant to. After a couple of hours, we decide it's time to go back to Lizzie's house. I drank much more than I realized.

When we get back to her house, I start to gather all of my stuff together.

"I should probably call an uber to take me to my house. You're too drunk to drive me," I say with a laugh.

"No! I don't want you getting into some random person's car in the middle of the night. You're staying here," Lizzie tells me, making it clear I have no say in the matter. But I won't let her win that easy. Even if I plan on listening to her, I should probably pretend to put up a fight.

"Liz, it's fine! I'm a big girl."

"What did I just say? You're staying," Lizzie emphasizes the last words. God, she's so hot.

"Fine," I say with an eye roll, determined not to show her the effect she has on me.

We walk upstairs to go to bed. I walk past her bedroom to get to the guest room.

"Where are you going?"

"Uh, the guest room?" I say, confused.

"You're not going to sleep in my room?" Lizzie pouts as she asks.

I practically sprint over to her in response causing her to laugh. I fall into her bed as soon as we get there.

"No, no, no. Y/n get up! You can't sleep in that."

"But I'm tiredddd," I groan.

Lizzie grabs my hands and pulls me to my feet. I start to strip right in front of her before I realize what I'm doing. Lizzie turns around immediately and walks to her dresser to get me a change of clothes. I can see her flex her hands as she looks through her clothes. I love that I have that effect on her.

She throws me some clothes and I put them on. Lizzie goes to change in the bathroom, and I lay back down in her bed. She shuts off the lights and crawls into bed next to me.

"Y/n, you're taking up the whole bed. Move over," Lizzie says through a laugh as she pushes me over.

"Nooooo. I want to cuddle," I groan. I'll use the alcohol as an excuse when I remember I said this tomorrow.

Lizzie just laughs and picks up the blanket next to her so I can move next to her.

I cuddle up on top of her and pass out immediately.

I wake up the next morning to a headache and an empty bed. Ugh. Why isn't Lizzie here? Then, I smell bacon and coffee. I make my way to the kitchen to find Lizzie dancing and cooking us breakfast. I lean in the doorway, staring at the precious view, wanting to wake up to it every morning.

"Good morning, Lizzie."

"Y/n, you're finally awake! Good morning! How did you sleep?" Lizzie asks with a big smile.

"I slept well, but I have a headache," I tell her as I rub my temples.

Lizzie laughs. "Yeah, I'm not surprised. I have some Advil out for you to take," Lizzie says as she points at the glass of water with some pills next to it.

"You're amazing. Thank you," I say, gratefully.

"I cannot believe you posted that picture of me last night. I look crazy," Lizzie says as she hands me a cup of coffee with my favorite creamer. I smile at her thoughtfulness.

"Oh, stop it. You look adorable in it. Your smile is so precious when you're lost in the moment like that," I admit to her, wanting her to see how I see her.

Lizzie blushes at my compliments, keeping her head down as she flips the eggs.

"Are you going to blush every time I compliment you?" I tease with a smirk, using what she told me at our first dinner together.

"Using my words against me, huh?" Lizzie asks with a laugh.

Before I can respond, my phone starts to ring. I look to see who it is and am surprised to see Florence Pugh's name.

"Florence! Hello!" I say as I answer the phone. Lizzie quickly turns her head to me, looking at me with furrowed brows.

"Hi, Y/n! I was wondering if you wanted to get some coffee or something?" Florence asks from the other side of the phone. I don't really want to leave Lizzie's house yet.

"How about tomorrow?" I ask, giving me time to figure out if I want to go or not. I had a great time talking to her, but I would rather spend time with Lizzie.

We talk for a few more minutes before we end the conversation and hang up. Lizzie hands me my food without saying a word. We eat in silence for a bit before it's unbearable.

"Is everything okay?" I ask her, confused about her quick change in mood.

"Mhm," is all Lizzie says in response.

"Lizzie. Something is clearly wrong. You aren't talking, your eyebrows are pulled together, and your shoulders are tense. I know you too well for you to lie to me like that. What's up?"

"Just drop it, Y/n," Lizzie says shortly.

"I will not drop it. What's going on? Did I do something wrong?"

"No. Just forget it."

"Lizzie! Tell me what I did!" I raise my voice a little, annoyed with her refusing to tell me what's wrong.

"I'm jealous, Y/n! Is that what you want to hear?" Lizzie raises her voice too.

"What?" I ask quietly, taken back by her answer.

"I'm jealous! I don't want anyone else to have you! Seeing Florence flirt with you drove me crazy. Didn't you see how she was looking at you?" Lizzie almost shouts. I stare at her with wide eyes, not believing what I'm hearing.

"Liz-" I start before I'm interrupted.

"And now she's calling you? I'm sure she wanted to take you on a date, right? You just met yesterday!"

"Not a date," is all I can get out before she starts again.

"I can't pretend anymore. I want you, Y/n," Lizzie says, more softly now.

"What are you talking about, Liz?"

"I need you. More than a friend. Every time I look at you, I just want to be with you. I want to kiss you, to love you, to touch you," Lizzie husks out in a low voice that gives me goosebumps

Lizzie walks closer to me and says in a low voice, "Y/n, I want you all to myself."

Fuck it.

I close the distance between us, crashing my lips into hers. Lizzie immediately kisses me back and we fall into the most passionate kiss I have ever felt. My head is spinning, I forget all of my fears and insecurities and fall into Lizzie. I don't care what happens after this, I need her.

Lizzie kisses me hard, only pulling away because of the lack of air. We stare into each others eyes for a beat, filled with passion and lust, before closing the distance and kissing again. Lizzie walks me backward until my back hits the wall. The push against the wall surprises me, I let out a gasp and Lizzie takes this opportunity to stick her tongue in my mouth and explore every inch of it.

Lizzie breaks the kiss to make her way down to my neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses. My chest heaves at the long-awaited contact. My hands travel from her hair down her back to her hips. I let out a small moan as Lizzie sucks on my pulse point, causing goosebumps to appear on Lizzie's arms.

Lizzie pulls back and meets my gaze, "Is this okay?"

"Please, don't stop, Lizzie," I say breathlessly.

omg it finally happened!!! what do you guys think??

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