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As Lizzie is looking around at the different flowers in the shop, I start to feel the heaviness of anxiety weigh me down. I was fine two seconds ago, I don't know where this rush of anxiety came from. The thoughts won't stop pounding in my head. Why is she here with me? Why would she want to spend time with me? She's Elizabeth Olsen! I'm just a nobody from Ohio who is lost in life. I haven't even thought about this fact yet, but now that it entered my brain, it won't leave any time soon. My mind races, my brain overthinks everything that has happened. I'm not eno-

"You're overthinking again, aren't you?" Lizzie's soothing voice pulls me out of my spiral.

"Hm? Oh, no. I'm sorry, I'm okay!" I put on a fake smile as I flex my hands open, feeling my palms burn from the pain of my fingernails digging in my skin a second ago.

Lizzie bites the inside of her cheek as she stares at me, clearly not believing my smile. I feel vulnerable under her gaze. Although I've felt comfortable sharing things with her, I'm not quite ready to get into the whole 'I don't feel like I'm worthy of love' talk yet. Is anyone ready for that? I need to get her eyes off of me before I crack, so I change the subject. "So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?"

"Hopefully hanging out with you?" Lizzie's eyes still staring into me as she softly asks me. She starts to play with the rings on her hand, shifting her weight waiting for my response. Is she nervous?

"I would love that," I finally said softly. I was going to tease her, but since she seemed nervous to ask, I let her off easy this time. "Let's go on an adventure!" I say as I start walking to the next destination. To be honest, I'm not quite sure where our next destination is, so my plan is to walk in one direction until I find something for us to do. I don't feel her calming presence next to me, so I turn around. Lizzie is standing where I left her, standing with a silly grin on her face.

"Are you coming, Olsen?" I call back to her, smiling.

Lizzie jogs to catch up with me and puts her hand out in front of me. I look at her with questioning eyes before she sticks her hand in front of me again, more aggressively this time, her toothy grin not leaving her face.

"Your left Air Pod!" Lizzie demands like it was the most obvious thing.

"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, love!" I say dramatically, the pet name slipping out of my mouth before I even think about it. It seems both of us realized what I said at the same time because both of our cheeks get red. At least I can say I made Elizabeth Olsen blush. AGAIN!

I play the song Put Your Records On and the idea hits me! I know where our next destination is. I'm terrible with directions, so I grab my phone to use the GPS but am distracted by the notifications.

"Holy shit," I mumble under my breath.

Lizzies head whips around to me, her eyes full of concern again. "Whats wrong?"

"I have like fifty thousand Instagram notifications," I say with a little laugh. The craziness of it was funny at first- but that was until I start reading some of the comments on my post. Bad idea.

Why is Lizzie hanging out with some nobody?

Ew, she's ugly

My breathing quickens, I feel the panic set in. I probably should have thought about this before posting. Before I could read more, Lizzie takes my phone from me. "That's enough of that! She puts my phone in her purse before taking my hand to continue walking. "So, where's this adventure at, y/ln?"

How does she do that? I felt like I was drowning, then she held my hand and I felt like I could breathe again.

"Oh, yeah! I was looking up directions before I got distracted by the death threats on my Instagram," I say with a small chuckle to let her know it's okay. "Too soon?"

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