morning and the mall

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thank you guys for reading, voting, and commenting on my last chapter. it honestly helped me to write out that little synopsis of my shitty situation, more than I thought it would! Ok so onto the rest of the story :)

Lizzie POV
I wake up to the smell of Y/n. I take a deep breath in, taking in the calming scent. I finally open my eyes and see her almost on top of me, head of my chest and arms draped over me. What a perfect way the wake up. Usually, as soon as I wake up, I jump out of bed and get moving so I don't lay in bed and think too much. But today is different. All I want to do is lay here with Y/n.

She went through so much yesterday, I feel terrible. The fact that she usually has such a happy and calm exterior, even after going through all of that in her life, is amazing to me. Even though I can't do much to help the situation, I am now determined to always be there for her to do whatever I can to help.

I know she usually bottles her emotions up, so I'm glad she could let them out to me. The atmosphere between us always feels so comfortable and safe, it's so easy to tell each other everything.

I continue to lay there, not wanting to wake Y/n up. She needs the rest. After a while, her breath gets shallower, and her arms start moving around me. Her fingers twitch on my lower stomach and I immediately get butterflies. Not the time Lizzie. I start to rub her back to wake her up gently.

"Good morning, Olsen," she rasps out with her head still on my chest.

"Good morning, Y/n. Did you sleep well?" I ask her. Partly because I want to hear her low, raspy morning voice again.

"Mhm. Thank you for staying with me."

"Always," I admit as I play with her hair.

After a couple of minutes, my stomach starts to growl. "Time to get up! I need food."

Y/n groans in response but lets me untangle myself from her. When I get out of bed, she just rolls over to where I was laying and wraps the blanket over her head. I laugh a little and walk to the end of the bed. I grab the end of the blanket and yank it off of her. To my surprise, Y/n doesn't have any pants on: just my oversized t-shirt and her underwear. Fuck. My cheeks instantly get red as I stare at a half-naked Y/n in my bed. She looks up at me and sees my wide eyes and red cheeks and smirks.

"Oh, yeah. I can't sleep with pants on," she tells me with a sly smile and an eyebrow raised, obviously happy with my reaction.

I hum in response and turn around to walk to my bathroom. I flex my hands a couple of times to compose myself. I hope this isn't the last time she's partly naked in my bed. I involuntarily think and then shake my head in an attempt to get rid of the intrusive thought.

Well, that was an interesting and unexpected reaction. I would have never thought that she may want me as much as I want her.

I decide to get out of bed and put some pants on. I don't want to make her uncomfortable at all, even if it is fun to watch her be flustered.

I follow Lizzie into the bathroom. When she sees me, she looks down at my legs and looks disappointed. Hmmm.

We brush our teeth next to each other, stealing glances and smiling. Then, we head to the kitchen to make our breakfast.

As Lizzie is looking in her refrigerator for ingredients, I braid my hair back so it's out of my face. When Lizzie turns around, she stares at me as I finish the braid, pulling out the front baby hairs.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask her with my eyebrows raised, seemingly pulling her out of a trance.

She shakes her head a little and replies with a soft smile, "Oh, sorry. I just love when you wear your hair like that. That's how you had it when we met."

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