my apartment

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As we walk up to my door, I all of a sudden get very nervous about her seeing my apartment. I start to fumble with the key, my nerves getting the better of me.

"Is everything okay?" Lizzie asks.

"Oh yeah. Just thinking of all of the potentially embarrassing things in my apartment," I say with a shy laugh. "I wasn't expecting anyone to come over," I admit as I finally manage to get the door open.

Lizzie walks into the middle of my apartment and starts twirling around to see all of the decorations and plants.

"Now you're the one who looks like a child," I tease, using her words from the restaurant against her.

She hits my arm before she says, "this is exactly as I pictured it."

"So, you've pictured coming back to my apartment before?" I say with confidence I didn't know I had.

"You wish, y/ln."

Just as she says this, I realize something. My eyes go wide, and I sprint to my bedroom. I rip the poster of Lizzie in her in the new Scarlet Witch outfit off of my wall. I put the crumpled poster behind my back as I hear her say, "What the hell are you doing?" as she runs into the room after me.

"Oh. Nothing." I badly lie, hiding the poster behind me.

"What are you hiding y/n?" Lizzie asks with a mischievous grin and a raised eyebrow.

Lizzie tries to come closer to me but I circle around her, keeping my back away from her.

She tilts her head as she circles around me.

"Oh, fuck. You tilt your head just like Wanda. That is terrifying," I say, very seriously as she laughs a little.

Just as I go running out of the room, Lizzie tackles me onto my bed.

"How are you so fast?" I ask breathlessly, giggling as I struggle to keep the poster away from her. She's laughing loudly as she is on top of me, reaching out to try and snag the poster from my hands. I reach my hands out as far as they can go, trying my best to keep it out of her reach. Lizzie sees my exposed stomach as an opportunity and starts to tickle me. I immediately let go of the poster and Lizzie grabs it and runs to the kitchen before I can get up.

"Oh my god y/n!" She screams, still laughing. "You had a picture of me in your room? That is equally hilarious, embarrassing, and adorable," she says to me as I finally make my way into the kitchen to face her. My cheeks feel like they're on fire.

"I'm gonna to die," I mumbled, covering my face at her continued laughter.

Lizzie walks over to me and takes my hands off of my face. I finally bring my head up to look at her and see the biggest smile ever. "It's okay, y/n, I promise." I feel better immediately.

"So, y/ln. How about that drink you promised?" She asks as she sits at the island in my kitchen, thankfully changing the subject.

Over a bottle of wine, we talk for hours. Getting to know everything about each other. The conversation flows endlessly.

"Okay, Lizzie. I'm going to name five categories and you're going to tell me your favorite from each one. Ready?"

"Ready," she says, green eyes sparkling with excitement. I love the way she gets excited over the little things. She makes life more fun.

"Food, song, book, TV show, and movie."

She pauses to think, humming while she does. "My favorite food is probably pasta, specifically Bucatini cacio e pepe." I raise my eyebrows at her fancy food choice and go to say something about it, but she puts her hand up and says, "Please hold your comments until the end," with a laugh. Oh my god, she is so cute.

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