lizzie's confusion

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Lizzies POV
I try my best to not be noticed in public, especially at the airport. JFK is always so crowded; it gets very overwhelming. I always have lingering anxiety but crowded public spaces make it so much worse. I have my mask on covering the bottom of my face, huge sunglasses covering the top of my face, and headphones in so nobody can recognize or bother me. I'm getting through the airport easily, nobody is giving me a second look which is perfect. I have my headphones in but don't have any music playing. I like to hear what is happening around me. It makes me feel less anxious. I go to stand in an empty corner so I can check my phone to see where my ride home is. As I'm checking my phone, I notice somebody walk past me and crouch in the corner on the phone. I look up from my phone and stare at her through my sunglasses as she takes off her mask to talk to someone on facetime.

As she takes her mask off, all that I can think is that that girl is so beautiful. Her long hair is pulled back into an effortless braid, her baby hairs hanging in her face, framing it perfectly. All she's wearing is some mom jeans and a sweatshirt but manages to make it look amazing. The rings on her finger and the simple necklace draped over her sweatshirt pull the simple outfit together. Why am I studying this stranger? I'm calling a woman beautiful and checking her out. What is going on? I try to look back down on my phone and ignore these strange feelings but can't help but want to learn more about her. I eavesdrop on her conversation and my heart hurts. She sounds so hurt and sad. As tears stream down her face, all I want to do is hug her and console her. My eyes get glassy as I hear her story. She hangs up the phone and runs her fingers through her hair. I have the overwhelming urge to talk to her. If I keep staring at her with these sunglasses on she'll think I'm a crazy person. I gain the courage to take the sunglasses off and look at her with as much sympathy that I can muster. I want her to know she can talk to me. Why? I have no idea.

The beautiful stranger finally looks up at me and meets my eyes. Immediately I can see her change in demeanor. Her eyes sparkle, she is all of a sudden very excited. As soon as I hear her low raspy voice my heart flutters.

"Elizabeth fucking Olsen!" I can't help but smile. I know I should be anxious that someone recognized me, but I feel safe for some reason. I want to be closer to her, so I walk towards her as I ask,

"How could you tell it was me?" I want her to see me without a mask on so I take it off, not containing my smile at all. I laugh as she takes a deep breath, seemingly trying to calm her nerves. When she tells me I'm her favorite Avenger, I can't help but laugh. I'm sure she's just saying that because I'm here.

She asks, "Does that make you uncomfortable when people do that? I'm sorry, I'm rambling now and that's a personal question" Her question pulls me out of my trance. How sweet of her to ask. It seems like she actually cares. As she rambles on and mumbles an unnecessary apology, she turns to leave. I panic because I don't want her to go.

"Yes, it does feel weird when people do that. Sometimes I have to remind myself I'm not a superhero, I'm just me." I blurt out the admission, so she doesn't leave. I don't know why I admit this. I feel so comfortable and safe around her, I feel like I can say anything. Why is my heart beating so fast?

"Just you??" she asks, and her eyes almost bulge out of her head which makes me laugh. I was not expecting her to rant on about how she thinks I'm amazing. Me! Not the character I play! Her words are so kind. It's hard for me to believe a single word she's saying but hearing her say them warms my heart. I truly believe she is being sincere. My heart rate climbs, and the butterflies fill my stomach. I can't help but blush as I hear her compliments.

"Wow. Thank you," is all I can spit out. She goes on, clearly passionate about Wanda which makes my heart glow.

"She is a bottomless well of sadness, which I guess I can relate to, so I just want to give her a big hug and make her happy." She relates to Wanda? My heart aches for her. I wonder if she knows I relate to her too? I want to tell her everything.

She tells me about her Wanda crown ring and I can't help but smile. When she puts her hand out to show me her ring, I have a burst of confidence and take her hand in mine. My skin feels like it's on fire and I never want to let go. After a few seconds, I finally let go of her hand, not wanting to seem weird, and tell her I want a ring too. I want to match her. My disappointment by the fact that she doesn't know where she got the ring is quickly interrupted by the butterflies I feel as she puts her ring in my hand. Of course, I can't take her ring. Quickly, I come up with a perfect plan.

Again, my unearned confidence comes back when I say, "Your phone. Give me your phone!" I need to get to know her and talk to her more but getting her number for the ring is a perfect excuse. I chuckle at myself as I put my contact name in. Finally, I ask for her name.

"Y/n. Y/n Y/ln." I take a second to stare at her when I hear her name and can't help but smile.

I look down for a second as she walks away then I hear, "it was nice meeting you too Angel Eyes!" My heart flutters. Angel Eyes?! This girl is going to kill me. I can't help but smirk as I question her new nickname and tease her telling her I'll come up with a nickname for her. How about "beautiful stranger"?

We part ways and I can't get her out of my head. Why am I thinking about a stranger this way? More importantly, why am I thinking about a woman this way? I literally just got out of a long-term relationship; with a man, I might add.

After a few hours, she still occupies my mind. Why hasn't she texted me? Did she get home safe? Why do I even care?

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