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okay yall this is my first time writing anything like this so here it goes. lmk if you guys like it or next time I should just leave it up to your imagination lol

sorry it's pretty short! this chapter is just smut so if you don't want to read it, just skip to the next one!

We finally make our way to Lizzie's bedroom. Her fingers dig at my waist as she pulls me closer to her. Lizzie rips off my shirt and my pants, leaving me in just a bra and underwear. She pushes me back on the bed and stands in front of me. My breath hitches in my throat. The way she has taken control of me makes my mind get fuzzy with desire. Usually, I'm not dominated so easily, but I just want her so damn bad.

Lizzie starts to strip at a teasingly slow speed. She slowly brings her shirt over her head and throws it to the corner of the room while maintaining eye contact. Then, she lowers her pants and steps out of them. I lick my suddenly dry lips as I stare at the beautiful view in front of me.

Lizzie slowly gets on top of the bed and straddles my hips. She stares down at me, tilting her head slightly.

"Fuck, Liz, you are so fucking beautiful," I whisper in a hoarse voice.

She lowers herself, bringing her face as close as possible without kissing me. I try to close the gap between up, but she puts her hands on my shoulders.

"Tell me what you want, Y/n," Lizzie whispers against my lips. Her pupils are almost completely taking over the green of her eyes. I stare at her lazy grin as she studies my face, looking for a reaction to her words. Just her whisper was enough to make heat pool between my legs.

I just roll my eyes in response, knowing she knows exactly what I want. Lizzie clicks her tongue a few times and shakes her head. "Use your words, Y/n. I can't do anything until you tell me what you want."

"I want you, Lizzie," I whisper back before I push against her grip and close the distance between us, finally getting to kiss her again. The passionate kiss is broken by Lizzie as she starts to kiss down my neck. I desperately want her to touch me, but I'm not one to beg.

"Do you want this, Y/n?" Lizzie asks breathlessly before she sucks on my pulse point. I bite my bottom lip to suppress the moan, annoyed that she has this much of an effect on me just from kissing my neck.

"Don't hold back. I want to hear those pretty moans," Lizzie says as she continues to move down my body. She moves herself off of me slightly, positioning one of her legs between mine.

"Or do you want this?" Lizzie husks out as she starts to suck on my nipple, earning a drawn-out moan from me. I buck my hips in hopes to get more friction on her leg. She lets me grind on her leg for a beat before she puts her hands on my hips, stopping my movement. I sigh in frustration, wanting so badly to feel her.

Lizzie sits up and traces down my body with her fingernails. She reaches my thighs and lightly scratches the inside. She traces over my underwear causing me to gasp.

"Tell me exactly what you want, Y/n," Lizzie whispers, her dark eyes locking with mine, causing goosebumps all over my body.

I know I said I'm not one to beg, but fuck it.

"Please, Lizzie. I need you. Please just fuck me," I say through my quick breaths. I'm glad I gave in because the look in her eyes makes my heart flutter. She wants to hear my beg.

"Good girl," Lizzie murmurs with a smirk, knowing the effect it had on me last time.

"Fuck," I breathe out, letting my head drop back.

Lizzie finally pulls my underwear off of my legs, slowly, determined to tease me even more. She starts to trail light kisses on the inside of my thighs, making me squirm. Lizzie lets her fingers graze over my clit but doesn't apply any pressure.

"Lizzie, please."

Lizzie picks up her head to stare at me while she starts to apply more pressure but moves in slow circles. Before I could complain about the teasing pace, Lizzie kisses me deeply. She begins to pick up the pace, causing me to moan against her lips.

Lizzie finally puts a finger inside me, causing me to gasp. Seeing my reaction, she adds another finger and begins to curl them inside of me.

"Oh, fuck," is all I can manage to say.

She keeps a steady pace and then puts her palm against my clit. I moan louder than I have in my life, almost exploding with pleasure.

"Fuck Lizzie. I'm gonna cum," I breathlessly said. To my surprise, Lizzie slows down her movements.

She clicks her tongue and says, "You can hold it. Just a bit longer, Y/n."

I roll my head back, biting my lower lip and closing my eyes, concentrating on holding out longer. Lizzie slows down her movements, causing me to buck my hips for more. Lizzie's free hand grabs my chin and pulls my head back up to face her.

"Eyes open. I want you to look at me when you cum," Lizzie husks out in a low voice.

She picks up the pace again, pushing against my clit as she fingers me.

My legs start to shake, and my mind goes fuzzy with intense pleasure. I feel like I'm about to burst.

"Cum for me."

I finally let go, practically screaming Lizzie's name as I cum around her fingers.

"Jesus Christ, Lizzie," I manage to say between panting. "You really do have magical fingers. I should send a thank you card to your hand choreographer."

Lizzie just laughs in response before kissing me.

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