dancing and sad songs

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hi guys!! I'm going to put the songs From Eden by Hozier, Graceland too by Phoebe Bridgers, and Lady May by Tyler Childers in this part so you guys should listen to it! I'm going to put the lyrics in this but it just makes it better if you hear it I think

let me know what you guys think!

Lizzie POV
I wake up with a smile on my face. All I can smell is Y/n. The smell of her in her room and bed strangely comforted me. I slept better than I have in a long time. I force myself to get out of bed to look around her room a little more. There are pictures of her family and friends everywhere. I can't help but smile as I look at every picture, studying her. She looks so happy. I know she's been through a lot, but it looks like her friends and family seem to bring her so much joy.

She hasn't hung the Wanda poster back up. I smirk a little to myself, I can't believe I haven't teased her about that more. I'll have to bring it up again to watch her squirm.

Y/n's room is a perfect representation of her. I feel calm and warm here. I love it.

I make my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. When I walk to the kitchen, I see Y/n still asleep on the couch. She looks so peaceful I desperately want to cuddle next to her, but I go to make breakfast for us instead.

I put on the Hozier album to listen to while I make food. I make sure it's quiet enough to not wake Y/n up. It's funny, I never really listened to music much before meeting y/n, but now that all I want to do: listen to music with y/n. She always picks the perfect song, always wants to dance and sing, always making me feel like a kid again.

As I start cooking the pancakes, I get lost in thought. I really like this girl, and that terrifies me. I know I'm confused and just really need a friend, but these feelings seem real. She makes me feel seen. Being in the public eye all the time, I feel like everyone just looks at me at a surface level. It's like they're looking at a character rather than me as a person. But with her I feel real, I feel like me. I know we haven't known each other long, but that feeling is rare. I don't want to lose it, so I will continue to remind myself that we are just friends. I'm pretty sure that's all she wants too, considering she pretended like we didn't almost kiss. She must have gotten caught up in the moment, just like I did.

"Lizzie?" I hear Y/n's raspy morning voice. I didn't realize I was zoned out in the middle of the kitchen. "Lizzie! The pancakes are burning!"

"Oh, shit!" I take the smoking pan off the burner and put it in the sink to run some water over it.

"Are you okay? What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" She smirks a little as she used my words against me.

"I'm okay, no worries!" I brush off her concern. There is no way I'm talking to her about this. I don't want to make things weird between us.

Y/n hums a little as she continues to stare at me. "I don't believe you, but I'll let you off easy this time," Y/n says with a warm smile.

"I'm sorry, did the burning pancakes wake you?" I turn away from Y/n as I ask, embarrassed I almost burnt her kitchen down because I couldn't stop thinking about her.

"No, I was awake. But the smell of smoke did get me out of bed pretty quick," she says, with a little chuckle. "But it looks like you have it under control now, so I feel safe going to brush my teeth," Y/n says with a smirk as she gets up.

"Shut up!" I roll my eyes as I throw the kitchen towel at her as she walks away.

I sway a little to the music as I start to remake the pancakes for our breakfast. As the song From Eden comes on, I hear the patter of Y/n's feet as she runs down the stairs.

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