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I've started to really doubt everything I'm writing and kind of hate this so if you have suggestions let me know :)

also do you guys like the y/n pov or lizzie pov more? I feel like it's been easier writing from our pov but I can def mix in lizzie more if you guys like it

Lizzie pours us two glasses of wine while I find a new record to play for us. I land on the Lover album and play it from the beginning.

As I make my way to the couch, Lizzie hands me a glass of wine, smiling wide at me with bright eyes. I meet her gaze, expecting her to look away or say something, but she just keeps staring at me. I feel vulnerable under her look, but feel the adoration she has for me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask with a shy smile.

"Just admiring your beauty," Lizzie says as she scrunches up her nose.

I hum unconvincingly as I take the glass and sit down on the couch with her. Before I can thank her for the compliment, she senses my doubt.

"You don't believe me?" She tilts her head and raises eyebrows, seemingly shocked that I don't agree with her idea of me.

"Eh," I shrug my shoulders and look at my hands while I play with my rings.

"Hey, look at me," she says as she grabs my hand with one hand and pulls my face towards her with the other. "You are beautiful."

"Thank you, Liz," I say, trying my hardest to sound like I believe her. I must have failed because she comes closer to me and pulls my legs up to the couch.

We sit across from each other, cross-legged, as she brings her face closer to me.

Lizzie kisses my cheek, "You," kisses my other cheek, "are," and kisses my forehead, "beautiful." Then, she lands on my lips and kisses me deeply before breaking it and saying, "And I will try my hardest to convince you of that every day."

I put my hands on either side of her face and pull her closer to me, kissing her, trying to convey my emotions to her. "Thank you, Lizzie," I say quietly with glassy eyes. I have never had the most confidence in myself. I never really believe people when they compliment me. Until now. The sincerity in her voice and actions makes me believe she truly means it. Lizzie Olsen thinks I'm beautiful.

The song Lover comes on, breaking our moment. I shoot up from my seat and bow in front of Lizzie, reaching my hand out to her.

"Dance with me?"

"Always," Lizzie says through a smile.

Lizzie and I fit together perfectly; our bodies pressed together, rocking to the music. The slow music allows us to sway together. This dance is much different than the last time we danced to Taylor Swift at the party. That was filled with lust. This is different. This dance is calm, filled with adoration and sweetness.

I grab her face and sing the lyrics:

And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear
Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?

Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home
You're my, my, my, my

I get lost in her mesmerizing gaze as we finish dancing to the song. The lyrics say everything I want to. I place a sweet kiss on her lips.

"Want to go on an adventure?" I grin at her.

Lizzie's eyes shine brightly at me while the smile grows on her face. "I'd love to," Lizzie gives me a quick peck on the lips before walking away. "I just have to go to the bathroom and then we can go."

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