Piece of Paper Under a Rock

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A Helicopter, below you see a silver belly. Pink blades churn the air they fly thru. Flying over the town as they search. Wind, blowing small particles off the ground, round and round until the hard chopped wind subsides from below.


An ATV, a young male driving it as well. A helmet, shielding his face. He looks off into a distance to the horizon. The Sunsetting. He looks to the beautiful colors that the sun paints in the sky. The white clouds, dotting the clouds, subside, shrinking in their exceeding size. 

The boy looks up to the Helicopter above him. Looking to the wilver belly, as the pink blades on the helicopter chrunned the air. Keeping it up, as they flew in the air. 

The boy looks back ahead, and sighs. 

They move quick thru the town as they look around the town. 


They look to their left, a middle Aged woman on top of a roof of the small town's city hall. The small town called-

"Adventure Bay."

They move over to the hall, as the helicopter flies over it. The boy quickly takes off his helmet as he held his arm inside his Jacket, holding onto the other. He quickly runs to the front of the town hall, looking up to her.

"Thank you for coming quick!" The Woman greeted with a sincere smile. Her purse Chicken pops their head out of her purse, looking around as they clucked. The Woman runs her hand down the Chicken's head, in a act to comfort herself. She was clearly the one worried.

"Alright Skye, Lower down the harness!" The boy shouted up to the Helicopter. She nodded as she pressed a yellow colored button. 

The underbelly opened a hatch, letting out a wire that attached to it. A Harness. She flew closer to the Middle-Aged Woman. She grabbed the Harness, putting it around her waist.

She secred it on and gave up a thumbs up.

Skye Nodded her head, as she slowly flew away from town hall, lifting he rup in the air. She clutched her purse close to her. 

"Don't worry my little Chicky-Wicky. The Paw Patrol is helping us down." She whispered to the chicken. She continued to pet the Chicken's head as she looked around. Looking down to the ground. The Chicken clucked as went back into the Woman's purse.

Skye lowered the helicopter's Harness to the pavement. Slowly but surely. The Woman had both, her two feet on the ground. She took off the harness as she smiled to the boy. 

"Thank you Skye, and Ryder for helping me and my Chickaletta." She thanked. Ryder nodded his head as he held his arm closer to his stomach. 

"No Problem Mayor Goodway! Whenever your in trouble, just yelp for help!" The Boy Exclaimed. Usually, he would pump his arm to the air. Only now, keeping it down as it hurt. The Mayor Smiled as she looked to his arm.

"Are you alright Ryder?" She asked. Holding her purse closer to her. The boy nodded as he smiled. 

"I'm doing just fine Mayor Goodway!" He said, waving goodbye to the Mayor of the small town. She nodded, waving back goodbye. She watched as the boy hopped onto his ATV. Putting his helmet on. He revved the engine before driving off. 

Skye flew over the boy as she followed him. She dropped her smiled tried to stretch her back. Only, almost losing control of the Helicopter. She quickly recovered sighing as she flew over the red bridge to their home. 

The boy drove into their Garage as she flew to a building, on the hill. She lowered her helicopter in her designated spot. The blades slowly stopped churning as they folded back into the vehicles. She took off her Goggles as she groaned. 

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