Mirrored panic

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|Sorry, this is a short Chapter!|

They walked up the stairs, as the boy held the Cockapoo in his arms. Everest holding the duffle bag on her back. Rubble still having Matthew on his shoulders.

Every step the Greyhound took. She felt her heart sink faster and faster. She kept looking up to the Spiraling staircase. Trying to get her mind off the mirrors.

She looked back up the steps. Panic, visible in her eyes.

Skye looked down to her. She closed her eyes as she rested her head on the boy's shoulder. She opened up her eyes to look to her, once again. She looked as if she was about to pass out. 

Her eyes shot wider.

"Zuma, help Liberty." 

Zuma looked beside him to the greyhound. Slowly slowing down in her pace. He quickly held her arm, helping her as she walked up. They all stopped at a Landing Rest, sitting down as they took deep breaths.

Skye was let down out of the boy's arms. She limped to the greyhound. Sitting next to her. She leaned her head on her shoulder as she closed her eyes.

"I-I don't think I can do this." Liberty said, shaking her head. Skye nodded her head slowly.

"Alright then." She said. Taking her head off her shoulder. She limped to the stairs, walking down.

"Where are you going?" Liberty asked. Skye looked back to her. 

"You think you can't do it. Then come on." Skye said, pointing down the staircase. They all looked to her confused.

"Why are you giving up now, we're so close." Liberty asked. Standing up. Skye shook her head. 

"You said you couldn't do it. Then come on." She said, pointing down the staircase. Liberty shook her head.

She looked up to the Bold sign above her. The Bold letters spelling out

Level 6

She looked back to the Cockapoo. "We're so close, w-we can just give up!" She said, walking to the incline of the stairs. Skye shook her head.

"You said, you couldn't do it." She said, looking to the Greyhound. 

"I changed my mind!" She said, as she started to run up the steps.

They all slowly looked to the Cockapoo. Smiling as she looked up. 

"You keep Impressing us." Chase complimented. Skye smiled as she limped to the boy. He picked her up, and continued walking up the staircase.

Skye looked up to the next door. She looked back to the greyhound. Already in front of it. She kept starring to the door. Hesitant.

They all climbed up the stairs after her. Slowly inching closer and closer until they were on the same Landing Rest.

Ryder placed the Cockapoo down. She limped to the greyhound. Holding her paw. Jake opened up the door slowly as it creaked. 

Liberty closed her eyes shut as she couldn't bare looking inside.

The Hallways were covered in mirrors as well as the floors, and doors and handles. All, had Reflective Glass. 

Skye slowly walked into the room, looking around. She let go of her paw as she walked in front of a mirror. 

She starred to herself, squinting her eyes. An Idea flickered.

"What are you lookin' At?" She asked, in a new york accent. They all looked to her, confused. She glared to the Mirror, scoffing.

"Oui! This dim-wit Is Starring at me!" She shouted. They all looked to her, pointing to herself in the mirror. She whipped her head to it.

"And It's pointing' at Me Too!" She shouted, now in a british accent. Everest giggled as she looked to the Cockapoo.

"What are you lookin' at?!" Skye asked, pointing to the mirror. 

Liberty slowly opened up her eyes. Her eyes shot wider as she looked to the room, full of mirrors. Everything was a mirror.

Skye looked to her. Frozen with fear.

She quickly limped to her, grabbing her paw. 

"I have to show you something Absolutely Beautiful. Close your eyes." 

Liberty nodded her head, closing her eyes shut. They all followed the Cockapoo inside the room. She stopped to a wall of a mirror.

She pointed Liberty to it as she smiled.

"Open them." 

Liberty slowly opened up her eye to herself. In the glass. "I-I don't see anything." She said, backing away. Skye shook her head. 

"It's right there." She said. Pointing to her reflection.

Liberty looked to her, a small smile growing on her face.

Skye giggled as she looked back to her own reflection.

"See, It's just another Pretty Greyhound." She said, side hugging her. Liberty smiled as she looked down. Looking to herself again.

"See, they can't take their eyes off you!" Skye said, limping back as she pointed to all her reflections. Liberty smiled. Tears ran down her face.

"I never looked at myself in a mirror before." She said, sniffing. Skye hugged her back. "You are now." 

Liberty hugged her, tight. Skye blinked her eyes before hugging back. "Thank you." She said as her words were sobbed.

Skye smiled as she broke the hug. "Any time." She said, paw-bumping her. Liberty looked to the end of the glass hallway.

The door.

She walked to it. Slowly inching closer and closer to it. She looked up to the glass door handle and smiled. She stood up, opening up the door. She looked inside to the whole room full of glass.

She walked thru, closing the door behind her.

Skye looked back to them. 

"Just doing my Job." She said, looking to a wall of glass. Looking to herself in the mirror. She rubbed her cheek with her hurt paw, gently. 

Her smile slowly died down as she lowered her paw.

"What's wrong?" Everest asked. Walking to her. Skye looked back to her and smiled. "Nothing." She replied. Everest nodded her head, putting her head on the Cockapoo's shoulder.

"I'm scared for Marshall." Everest whispered. Skye nodded her head. "I am too." She whispered back. She looked to the Dally's reflection. He looked anxious as he kept rubbing his face.

Everest looked to Skye. She nodded her head. 

The door slowly opened as the Greyhound walked out. Humming to herself.

"2." She said, walking past them. They all nod their heads and watch as she helps Skye to the door. Opening it up for her as she did. 

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