Fear Floor?

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They were all resting in the living room, all had weapons to defend themselves just in case something would to happen.

The Shepherd kept his eyes open as he starred to the ceiling. He couldn't sleep, knowing something could happen to them. 

He started to hear rustling and groaning falling after it. He quickly closed his eyes as his ears twitched. 

The Cockapoo groaned as she slowly sat up. She sniffed as if she had been crying.

"We should of just stayed at home." She whispered to herself. She rubbed under her eyes as she pulled herself closer. Her knees to her chest as she rested her chin on her knees.

"Stupid Piece of paper." She muttered to herself. 

"I hate crying." She complained. She slowly stood up, walking off the family sized couch as she jumped down.

"I'm not Brave at all. How can I even do my level, the last one." She mumbled. As she wiped her tears. She looked to the closed exit door. Leading out to the Hallway of darkness. 

"I'm Afraid of stupid Doctors for no reason, and I can't even get my paws to stop shaking." She said, looking down to her paws. She held onto her arms. Sighing deeply as she sniffed.

"Calm yourself down, idiot." She mumbled. "If I wouldn't of got caught, we would be halfway out of here. Why do I alway have to be so Childish." She said, looking up.

"I bet their annoyed when I just run off places." She said, looking to the living room. She sighed as she rubbed her damp cheeks.

"I can't even run up stairs." She said, hitting her forehead. "Stubbly legs, getting me in trouble." She said, looking to her feet.

She groaned as she looked to the map, on the coffee table.

"At least I got something right." She said, scoffing to herself. She walked over to the coffee table, standing on her hind legs to look at the map. She took the flashlight next to the map. She turned it on a low setting as she turned it on. 

She flashed it over the map, studding it.

She looked to the highest floor, her floor.

"They should call these Fear Floors." She said, joking to herself shortly. She shook her head. "Stop, your acting Childish again." 

Chase's ears get twitching as he listened in on her conversation to herself.

'I had no clue she talks so horribly to herself.' He thought. He sighed internally. 'I should say something.' 

His General self appeared next to him. 'If you say something, she could hate you forever.' He whispered, sitting next to him.

'Well, I can't take herself talking so badly about herself.' Chase replied, internally. 'Do you want a chance with her or not?!' His General self replied back. 

'Exactly.' His General self disappeared once again. 

"Don't be scared." She muttered to herself. "It's Just...Doctors." She said, hesitantly.

"I fly a Helicopter for dogs sake, you should be able to visit the Doctor's office." She said, sterning her voice. "Suck it up, and get over it." She said, taking a deep breath.

"See, you can say Doctor without gagging." She said, holding down her sutter.

"If Chase can do it, so can I." She said, crossing her arms. 

Chase felt stunned from what she had said. 'She looks up to me?!' He thought as he kept his paws behind his head, his eyes closed as his ears kept twitching.

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