Let the Games Begin!

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The pups were all talking with each other as they walked up the hill. All had towels around their necks as they slowly dried off, all, with their favorite colors.

"I wonder what Ryder and Jake have been doing for the whole day," Everest said, looking to the Hotel. They all shrugged their shoulders. Thinking about all the different possibilities they could of been doing.

"Probably just walking around the hotel, talking about stuff." Rubble said, shrugging his shoulders. They all looked back to the hotel, continuing to talk.

"I wonder how long we're going to stay," Zuma said. As they walked inside. They walked to the bridge, walking along the fuzzy carpet under them.

"Probably knowing Ryder, I'd say a few days," Chase said, looking around to the windows. 

"Maybe." Marshall agreed, half-heartedly.

"All I hope, it's that it's a long time." Rocky said, the only one who was completely dry. They all nod, agreeing with the grey Mongrel.

They walked around the corner of the bridge, walking off of it as they walked up the stairwell.

"I'm So glad you found that piece of paper in front of the Lookout's front door, Chase." Skye said, nudging his shoulder gently. He chuckled as he scratched behind his head. 

"Same." He said, as they walked around the corner. Soon getting to their rooms. They waved goodbye to each other as they all entered their own rooms. Closing the doors behind them.

Skye sighs in relief as she walks past the counters. She walked down the hall to her room, opening up the door to the master sized bedroom.

She groaned as she slowly walked to the bathroom. 

Minutes later.

She opened up the door and steam came out from the bathroom. She sighed in relief as she walked to her bed. She jumped up and quickly got comfortable, resting her head onto a pillow. She pulled the blanket over her and smiled.

Her tail gently wagged as she drifted off to sleep.

Around the room, the moon shining in thru the windows. Shinning thru the window, hitting a picture. Making the glass shine. 

A Picture of the Shepherd, on the team.

Middle of the night.

People running thru the halls as Mothers and fathers picked up their children as Mother and Father dogs ran with their children, holding their language.

Unaware of this, the pups all keep sleeping peacefully.

Running down the steps, running past humans and pets with their owners. Running out to Police Cars, and Ambulances as well as Firetrucks. Helicopters having spotlights shinned on the helicopter. 

The last of the residents ran out the doors as they all look to the doors, closing as they locked. A timer then went off in the front of the Hotel. 

A Police Chief walks out of a swat vehicle. 


Gunshots were shot at the Hotel building. Trying to break thru the Glass as people held their ears, some more sensitive of others.

The Police Chief clutched his hand, holding fire.

A Loudspeaker went off.

"Hello, Sorry about the inconvenience for all those staying at the Cloud-Nine Hotel." They all looked to Loudspeakers around the buildings front.

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