Fear floors.

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They all looked to each other. Still trying to process what the loudspeaker had just said. What to do? There was nowhere they could hide, or run. Where to go? They couldn't run that fast, nor escape the building.

They looked across the bridge, dogs running down from the steps, running down flights of stairs to the exit. A Glass barrier then starts to lower at the exit of the bridge and the entrance. Trapping them in the hotel.

They all look back to each other. Their eyes blinking repeatedly as they tried to think of what to do. Slowly, regaining their knowledge of sense. They all snapped out of their trances.

They all started to whip their heads around. Looking for a way to leave.

"We need to get to the bomb, and quick." Chase said, walking to Marshall. He gave him the Cockapoo as he looked to the husky.


She nodded. Taking one out. She tossed one to him. He caught it and looked to the glass door. He grunted as he threw it to the glass.

It shatter at the immediate impact of the heavy flashlight. Chase looked to a table cloth, soon yanking it off. He placed it over the broken glass, allowing them to exit.

"We're getting to the bomb." Chase said, pointing outside. One by one they all stepped over the cloth, getting outside. They all looked up to the dark sky, dotted with sparkling stars all glistening a different color.

"Come on." Chase said, walking head. He started to trot down the hill, careful to where he stepped. They all soon followed him down the hill, slowly as they watched their steps. 

Slowly and surely, they made their way down the steep hill. The dirt hitting beneath their feet as they did. 

Chase made it to the pup park. Looking up to the buildings, exceeding largely. He scoffed as he looked back ahead. Soon starting to run. They all slowly made their way down the slope.

Watching as the Shepherd ran from them, around the pup park. They all quickly followed him as Everest help Marshall help Skye.

They all ran thru the park, trying to catch up with him as they did. They ran past 8 different buildings all labeled different levels they had went on.

Skye takes note of it, keeping her eyes on the buildings passing. She looked back ahead. Shaking herself out of her trance. 

They all run out from the Dog park. Running to where the human's lounge around. 

Running to a building exceeding greater than them. Chase stopped, standing on his hind legs as he tried to pull the door handle. No use.

He looked back to the husky, tossing him the same flashlight. He caught it, backing away from the glass door.

He grunted, throwing it directly to the door. Bull's eye.

 He walked around the glass. Soon yanking a cloth off a table. Placing it over the glass. They all walk over it. Then, running thru the building.

It smelt like smoke. 

They all kept whipping their heads around. Trying to find the smell. 

"As A Firedog, I saw we need to bounce." Marshall said, looking to them. They all stop, looking back to him. "Or not." He said, continuing to help the Cockapoo walk.

They down the hall, taking sharp rights. They stop as they look down the hall. A fire in front of the entree way of the pool.

"Are you pulling my leg right now." Zuma said. Frustrated. They look to a timer on the wall. Big bold red letters. 

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