Out comes a Therapist

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They all slowly crawled out of the vent. Helping each other out. Skye gave the knife back to the boy, as she looked up the stairs. The door. 

She looked to the Mongrel, backing back into the vent. She held his shoulder. He looked at her. Shaking his head. 

"You can do it Rocky." She said, in a soft and comforting tone. Her eyes sparkled for a short second before they faded. "Don't worry," She said. 

"We'll all be right next to you, all the way to the last door. Once we get there," She took out the walkie-talkie. "You can use this if you need to talk." She said, handing it to him. 

Rocky looked at her, his eyes blinking rapidly. 

"Alright?" She asked in a soft tone. He nodded his head as she pointed him to the door. "I'll open up the door. You can take as long as you need alright?" She said to him. He nodded his head. 

"Come on." She said, helping him up the stairs. They all looked at each other. 

"Woah, she is a great therapist." Rubble complimented. They all nod in agreement as they walk up the stairs after them. 

Skye stood up on her hind legs, not being able to reach the handle. She looked to the Shepherd. 

"A little help." She asked. He nodded his head as she stood on his back. She looked down at the Mongrel. 

"Close your eyes, alright." He nodded his head, closing his eyes as he looked up. She slowly opened up the knob. They all looked inside. 

Puddles of water along the hallway as the carpet was soaked. Water dripping down from the ceiling. Skye jumped down off the shepherd's back. She stood next to the mongrel. 

"Listen to me alright." He nodded his head. 

"Slowly look down." She said, looking ahead. He put his head straight ahead, taking deep breaths. "One paw in front." 

He lifted his foot, stepping down on the carpet. A Shiver went down his spine. 

"Hold onto me alright?" She asked. He nodded his head as she held onto her paw. She gripped his paw tight as they all walked thru. 

"Now we're in. Alright. I want you to slowly open up your eyes. I'm going to put my paw over your mouth." He nodded his head as he felt her soft paw over his mouth. 

"Open your eyes." She requested. He nodded his head as he slowly opened up his right eye. He gripped her paw tighter as he looked to water, dripping down from the ceilings. 

"It's alright. Look at me." He looked to the Cockapoo, fear rushing thru his whole body. 

"We're going to walk forward, your going to look to me alright?" She said, looking ahead briefly. He nodded his head, biting his lip. 

They watched as the two slowly walked ahead of them. Skye held onto the mongrel as she looked ahead. 

"What do you want to do when we get back?" She asked in a soft tone. He slowly looked ahead. He felt goosebumps run down his arms. 

"M-Maybe hold my pillow again." He said, laughing shortly. Skye giggled as well. "Same," She said, walking around a puddle with the Mongrel. 

"How many Rescues do you think we would probably have?" She asked, looking ahead. Down the hallways to the end of the hall. The door. 

"Maybe, about 5 already." Rocky said, looking back to him. His paw, slowly loosening in hers. 

They all followed them, impressed. 

"He's looking a water with out gagging." Zuma whispered, impressed. 

"She is a great therapist." Everest whispered, nodding her head slowly. They all nod in agreement. Walking around puddles and dripping water. 

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