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Skye slowly moved her head, side to side. Her paws twitched as well as her nose. Her eyelids slowly opened. Showing her Magenta eyes. At the spot, they sparkled. She looked up to an Eagle, flying over her.


They all whipped their heads to the door. All Rushed over, looking thru the window. The Cockapoo backed up to a corner, tears running down her face. As she kept avoiding the Eagle.


She looked to the door. White fear ran thru her eyes. She looked back to them. Holding herself closer.

"Calm down, alright."

She looked to the Shepherd, starring at her. She glanced to the Eagle, cawing loud and clear.

"Don't look at it." Chase requested. She looked back to him. Trying to stop the flow of tears as it blurred her vision.

"Look at me." He said, pointing to himself. She felt the Eagle drop to the floor on it's feet.

She flinched as she slowly started to cry harder. Biting her lower lip to keep her cries to a milimul.

"Walk over to the door." She shook her head. 

"I can't." She said. Wiping the tears from her face. The Eagle looked to her, starring right thru her soul. She hiccuped as she held herself closer. She put her paw over her mouth, trying to keep her cries soft. 

Chase shook his head. "You can't but you will don't look at it." 

Skye locked her eyes with him.

"Good, now walk over to the door, alright?" Skye slowly stood up. Limping slowly. 

"Good, keeping going." He kept his eyes locked with hers. Slowly. She passed the Eagle as it starred at her.

She kept hiccuping as she held her paw over her mouth. Tears flowing down her paw. Slowly, she made it to the door. She stood up, unlocking the door.

Ryder opened it as they pulled her in. Quickly closing it behind her. SHe hugged the Shepherd, burying her head into his chest as she cried.

He hugged back, stroking behind her ear. Comforting her and also himself. 

"Your alright, it's going to be just fine. Your with m- Us now." He corrected himself. 

"I can't go back in there." Skye said, shaking her head. Chase looked to the door.

"We don't really have a choice." Chase replied, looking down to her. She looked up to him. Shaking her head.

Chase broke the hug, walking to the door. He stood up, opening up the door. He jumped down, walking in. 

She looked to him. He was gesturing for her to come inside. She kept shaking her head.

"Your Crazy." Skye said, galring to him. He scoffed.

"I learned it from the best." Skye nodded her head. 

"Touche." She said, looking away.

"Oh, come on." He said, looking behind him. The Eagle cawed, looking to him. 

He stared into it's blank eyes. A rush of fear ran thru him.

"Holy Cookie and Dog biscuits, their huge." Chase said, backing away.

"Imagen being small!" Skye shouted back. Everest looked back to her, understanding why she hadn't responded in the vents.

The Eagle cawed to the Shepherd, staring into his eyes. Chase gulped.

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