Knocking Dogs Lights out

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Skye quickly crawled thru the vent, away from where she landed. She kept the Blue Print Vivid in her mind. She kept walking down the vent as she took lefts and rights. 

She kept her head down as she walked. 

She kept her eyes locked down to her paws as she walked. Soft light shinning up to the vent. Thru the open bars. She passed by the light, walking over the vents. As it hit her chest. 

Her ears started to twitch. 

She looked up, and stopped Completely. She looked down a corner, a female Attendant crawling down the vents. The same size as Skye. Being able to stand up. 

Skye backed up as her heart raced. She held her paws over her mouth as she backed away from the corner. She walked around a corner of a vent. Hiding from the female attendant. She heard her as she slowly walked down the vents. 

She felt her her heart slowly started to pump quick and fast.  

She heard the Female attendants footsteps, walking down a different path than her. Only a Corner away. She walked down the vents. Passing the corner Skye was hiding behind. 

She walked down the vents. She stopped at one. Breaking the vent to jump down. 


Skye almost yipped as she felt her paw clutch tighter around her mouth. The attended jump down from the vent. Landing on all fours. 

She walked away from the vent. Walking down the halls. 

Skye took her paw off her mouth, shaking. She snapped herself out of her trance as she walked away from the open vent. Continuing to make her journey. 

She kept breathing in and out, quietly as she walked down the vents. She started to slow down as she felt her face slowly become damp. She stopped at a corner, starting to hold herself. 

She sat down, her knees to her chest as she buried her face onto her knees. Her knees slowly becoming damp as well as her cheeks. 

She kept softly hiccupping to herself. 

She looked down to her paws. She slowly lifted them up as she looked to them. Shaking horribly. 

She put her paws over her face as she continued to cry to herself. 

"I'm Stupid for being scared." She mumbled to herself. "Idiot, calm down." She said, her words muffled. She kept sniffing as she continued to sob. 

"Why won't I just shut up." She said, wiping her tears. "Why am I so annoying." She said, standing up. She continued to walk down the vents. The map vivid in her mind. 

"Shut up, and calm down, Skye." She muttered to herself. She continued to walk down the vents. Slowly, she became to stop. She looked down to a vent, pitch black. 

She looked down to it, the Room holding the flashlights. She sighed in relief softly as she slowly walked to the vent. She hit the vent. Before it could fall. She quickly gripped onto it. Almost pulling herself down with it. 

She quickly pulled herself back, along with the vent. She placed it down gently. She walked over it to the open hatch. She jumped down. Landing on all fours. 

A sharp pain stung thru her hurt paw. She bit her lip as she shook her head. Pushing thru the pain. She looked back to the glass box, holding the flashlights. She smiled as she looked to the lock. 

She put in the pin, soon. Opening up. 

She yanked it off, and opened up the glass doors. She looked around her, trying to find something to hold it with. 

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