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Sorry again for the last Chapter for being short!

They all walked out the room after the two. 

"I'm Tired." Rubble said, putting his back to the wall. Matthew walked around to his other shoulder, resting. He looked to the spider.

"Matthew is tired as well." He said. Looking back to them. Ryder sighed as he looked down. A Big drop from where they were standing.

"We can't go down the stairwell that quick. We're gonna have to rest here." Ryder said, looking to the Landing rest. They all sat down as Ryder put the Cockapoo down. 

The Loudspeaker then started to Crackle.

"Hi! Yes, just a quick amount." It started. They all looked to the speaker. 

"You have Exactly 2 days to complete this Hotel!" The loudspeaker said, excited. They all galred to the speaker.

"How are you happy?!" Everest shouted. It scoffed.

"Because the fall of Paw Patrol is upon us! Something to be marked in time it's self! And I'll be famous for making it!" He said. More enusmtium in his voice.

They all gasped as the loudspeaker laughed.

"Toodles!" It shouted. It crackled, disconnecting.

Marshall held himself close as he started to slowly and softly cry. Skye scotted next to him. Putting her head on his shoulder.

"It's alright." Skye comforted. Marshall lifted his head. Shaking it slowly. 

"I-I don't think I can do it." Marshall admitted. Skye looked up to the staircase, more and more flights of stairs.

"I'll be right here Marshall, we all will be." Skye comforted. 

"W-We don't know that! I mean, dog knows what's up there!" Marshall said, pointing upwards, to the spiraling stairs.

Skye nodded her head slowly as she looked down.

"We'll all be right here Marshall." She said, softly as she pointed around to the others. Marshall looked up to them, nodding his head.

He slowly stands up, looking to the cement stairs. He walked over to them, walking up hesitantly

"It's working." Chase whispered to her. She smiled shortly before it faded. They all then follow the dally up the stairs. As Chase helped the Cockapoo up the stairs. Both their tails, wagging gently.

They both looked to a Red Sign, Bold letters spelling out.

Level 7

And a vent under it.

They started to hear rustling coming from it. Chase stopped the Cockapoo, pushing her back down the stairs slowly. They all stopped walking up the stairs. Skye took out a flashlight from the bag. She pushed his arm away as she walked up ahead of him.

"What are you doing?!" He whispered. Skye ignored him. Continuing to walk up. She slowly limped next to the Vent, out of the view of it.

The Vent was then kicked open as a male attendant walked out. He looked to them and smirked.

"You guys are mine n-


He fell to his side. Skye looked down to him and rolled her eyes. "Always trying to be so dramatic." She said, putting down the flashlight.

 "Whatever." She said, as she picked it up. She placed it in the bag, and smiled as she stood in front of the vent.

"Come on." She whispered as she pointed up the stairwell. They all nod their heads as they walk past her, walking up the stairs. 

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