Stop thinking

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They all climbed up the stairwell. Walking ahead or next to each other.

"It'll be alright Rubble." He said, patting the bulldog's back. "Skye is a great therapist. She will get you thru your flo-


They all stopped completely as Fear ran cold thru their blood. Skye looked down, below down the spiral staircase. High up, very high.

"Marshall, keep away from the railing." She requested, keeping her eyes locked down. He nodded his head, backing away from the railing.


They all backed away from the railing, a bullet shot up in the middle of the spiral staircase. The loud bang echoing, bouncing of the cement walls. They all held their ears, tight. 

Ryder put the Cockapoo down, as he held his ears. Skye looked over the railing, looking down. A black figure at the bottom of the stairwell. He looked up to her. A smile appeared on his face.

"Up. Now." She requested. They all looked up to the cement stairs. they started to hear the loud footsteps of the man, rushing up the stairs.

"When I say Up. I MEAN NOW!" She shouted. All were startled, from her voice. They all start to run up the stairs. Skye kept climbing up the stairs, slowly falling behind.

'PICK UP THE PACE.' She shouted at herself in her thoughts.

She shook off the pain, slowly climbing up the stair. Catching up with the others. She ran beside the Husky. The bag on her back. Skye quickly snatched the bag from her back, putting it on hers.

Everest looked to her confused.

"Skye?!" She said, shocked. They all briefly look to the Cockapoo, keeping up with them.

"No time to get mad. We need to live first." She said. Taking out a Flashlight. She turned it on the highest seating. It shinned on it's brightest. The man held his arm above his head, slowing him down just a little bit.

Even though it was working. The pace of the Cockapoo slowened. Ryder quickly bent down, scooping her up.

"Thanks." She said in a short breath as she kept the shine down. The Man took out a sniper, aiming it upwards to her.


They all stopped as they looked to the Cockapoo. She slowly put the flashlight down as the light stopped shinning. She looked thru the glass, broken as a bullet went thru it. The Man grunted in frustration.

Skye threw the flashlight down. It hit the railings down below them. Clanking as it hit sides of the cement stairs. They continued to run up the staircase. 

"You keep saving us, Skye." Everest complemented as she skipped steps. Skye smiled briefly before looking back up the spiraling stair case.

"Not Really, we didn't get to the last part of the code yet." Skye said. She locked her eyes on a Sign. Big Bold letters spelling out.

Level 5

She sighed in relief as she looked up to a Landing Rest. A door. She pumped her paw, internally, to herself.

"Alright, I see the next door." She said with a smile. She looked down to the Bulldog, looking up hesitantly.

"Rubble, stop thinking." She requested. He looked up to her, confused. "What do you mean stop thinking? They have eyes like galore and their legs." A Shiver ran down his spine. They passed by the sign. Continuing to run up the cement stairs.

"Rubble, you just need to stop thinking." Skye said. They all stopped climbing as they took deep breaths. The boy put the Cockapoo down. 

"I can't just stop thinking!" Rubble said, looking to her. She shook her head as Jake opened up the door. They both walked in as Skye flashed a working flashlight inside.

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