Fears for each

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They all kept their feet to the steps, skipping a few at times. Running from their pursuits. Ryder kept his eyes up as his hand was on the railing. He looked to a sign, they were about to pass. He narrowed his eyes to it, as the bright bold letters stood out.

Level 2

He looked up to a door, at the rest of the stairwell. He sighed in relief as he looked back to the pups, Jake running beside him. He looked around. Fear started to rush thru him as he couldn't hear the barking and snarling of the attendants. Their Puersuitters.

He looked back ahead, as they passed by the same sign he had seen. Getting a change, not on a higher level, he looked down to the staircase below them. He couldn't see the Aviation pup.

His eye shot wider as he felt his breath run cold.

The lights in the stairways glow red. Loud Sirens started to go off. They all immediately stopped, to look around.

They all noticed the Cockapoo, gone.

"SKYE!?" Chase shouted. The Loudspeaker started to crackle.

"Hi! Yes, the Cockapoo had been caught. Would you like to either continue or to get her back?" The Loudspeaker asked.

"Get her back!" They all shouted back. Their eyes glowing red as the red lights flickered on and off. The sirens slowly started to die down of it's loud scream.

"Alright then," He said. The loudspeaker crackled as it got off the speaker.

They all looked to each other, from the steps they were on. Marshall looked at the shepherd, looking back at him. 

"Alright, now you can get paranoid." 

Chase looked back down the stairwell, taking deep breaths. Trying to calm himself. 

She's alright, she's fine. Don't freak out. She's fine. Don't worry. She isn't hurt. She isn't hurt. 

He starred off into the distance, down the steps. 

"Alright, plan. We need to get down the stairs, and find her, and stealthily. Their still out." Ryder whispered. They all nod their heads as they look down the steps. 

Marshall nudged the Shepherd, trying to snap him out of his trance. 

"I can't take this." Everest said, shaking her head as she rubbed her forehead. 

"MHmmmMHm." Her screams for help was muffled as the Dog attendants dragged her down the carpeted hallway. Rug burn rubbed against her back as both her paws were tied. She looked to the male attendants, all walking around her as one dragged her down the hall. 

Turning corners like they knew it inside out. Skye narrowed her eyes to one's pocket. A map to show around the hotel. A whole blueprint. 

She looked back to the male attendants, all with walkie-talkies in their back pockets. 

A Smirk appeared under the cloth. 

"Mhmh mhMh." She hummed. They all looked to her, one rolling their eyes as they looked back ahead. She kept humming as she slowly reached out for the map. Inching closer and closer. 

She quickly pulled her paw back as they turned the corner. She looked back to the map, quickly snatching it and placing it under her collar. 

She kept humming as she closed her eyes. Her heart still racing after the quick snatch. 

They stopped to a door. Looking up to it, one stood up and opened up the door handle. Throwing her in, as they snickered. Skye looked down, keeping her paws behind her back. 

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