Death-a Clock

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They all walked to the open door of the room. Closing the door behind them. Skye sterned her face as she looked up to the stairwell.

'Alright, enough funny business.' She thought. She looked down the stairwell. No one. She slowly started to get lost into a trance looking down to the cement stairs, spiraling down. She started to hear whirling of a drill. 

Screams of horror echoed thru her head. 

Vivid Images flickered thru her mind. A white room flickering back and forth from the stairwell to it. She felt her paws start to shake as she remembered a white counter. 

More screams echo thru her mind. Loud and Clear. 

Needles along the counter, pointed to her as liquid dripped down from the needle. Bottles and jars are all full with different utensils around the counter. 

She shook her head. The flickering images stopping as well with the screams. She looked up to the stairwell. Sighing.

"Let's go." She said, walking past them. She walked up the stairs, surpassing them. They all quickly followed behind her. Skipping a few steps to catch up with her.

She looked down to her paw. Limping up the stairs as she did. She walked up with it, more sharp stings running thru it. She clenched her teeth as she continued to walk up the stairs. 

More and More pain ran thru her paw. Her facial expression showing it. 

Everest looked up to the Cockapoo, grunting as she walked up the stairs. "Skye, are you alright?" She asked. Skye looked down to her. Hiding the pain in her eyes.

"I'm good." She said, keeping her voice some giving way. Everest nodded her head slowly as she looked back to the cement steps. Continuing to walk up beside the others.

Skye looked back up to the stairs. Picking up her paw every other step. Biting down on her lip, trying to divert the pain elsewhere.

Her General self appeared. 'You have to stop, or else your going to really damage your paw!' She shouted as she walked next to her. Skye shook her head in a response.

'I can't give up.' She thought. Looking up. Her general self scoffed. 'Remember back in the lookout, Chase's shoulder was hurt.' Skye looked to her, nodding her head briefly.

'Ryder said it's fine to admit you hurt, Skye.' She looked to the boy, walking up the stairs behind her. She looked back to the cement steps. Shaking her head.

'If you break your paw, you need to go to the Hospital.' Her General self added. Skye's eyes widened. She groaned softly as she looked down to her paw.

Shaking as she kept stepping down on it. She felt sharper pains as she looked to it. She softly winched as the pain shot thru her whole body.

"Skye?" Ryder called out. Looking to her. Skye looked back to them. She stopped as she sat down on the step.

"What's wrong?" Everest asked. The climbed up the stairs to her. Stopping.

"I kinda hurt my paw," She said, looking to her right paw. Lifted in the air.

'I knew it.' Chase thought. No showing it on his face.

"How long has it been hurting?" Rocky asked, looking to it. Skye looked down the stairs. 

"Ever since the second floor." Skye said, looking back to them. They all starred blankly at her.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Everest asked, clearly upseat. 

"I thought I could walk it off." She said, looking to her paw. Everest shook her head. "You can't shake off pain, Skye." Everest said, sitting next to her. "It's alright your admit if you hurt." She added.

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