Welcome to Alabama

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The boy smiled as he looked to the Kitchen. He walked over, walking around the island. He walked to the counter and looked down to a Cabinet. He opened it up to different bowls, all with different designs and colors. He took out all six as he had trouble, carrying them with just one arm. 

He quickly put them all down in a line, in front of the kitchen. He sighed as he looked back to the Cabinet. He opened it back up taking out a whole bag of dog food. He almost lost balance but stopped himself as he held onto the counter.

He winced in pain as he held slowly pulled himself up. Pain shooting thru his arm, down his body. 

"This hurts, so much." He chuckled, in pain. He slowly stood up as he held the bag of Kibble. He took a deep breath as he looked at the bowls. He squinted his eyes to them, concentrating. 

He walked to the lined-up bowls. Slowly and carefully he poured each bowl. He slowly stood up as he pumped his hand in the air. He looked back to the Cabinet and scoffed.

"I can do things myself." He whispered to himself proudly. He walked to the open cabinet, putting the Kibble away. He gently closed the doors as he scoffed. 

He walked around the kitchen, away from the filled bowls. He felt his back pocket, pulling out his phone. He scrolled thru the website once more as he smiled. 

"You guys will love this." He said, looking to the pups, all scattered around the living room. He sighed as he put his phone away. He looked to his arm and sucked his teeth. 

He slowly lifted it away from his stomach. Expecting pain. 

He slowly opened up his right eye to his arm, completely above his head. He scoffed softly as he smiled. "Guess all it needed was a good stretch." He said, proudly. 

He crossed his arms and smiled. 

He opened up his eyes.

"Now what." He asked himself. He scratched behind his head, confused about what to do. 

His phone started to go off. He quickly pulled it out of his back pocket and pick up the call. He looked to the blonde girl on the other side of the video call. 

"Hey Ryder," She greeted. Ryder smiled back. "Hey, Katie." He said, looking around at the pups. Katie sighed as she looked at him.

"Are you alright? The last time I called, you seemed stressed." She said. Ryder groaned softly as he rubbed his forehead.

"Just, it's been a whole lot of Rescues this month, and the pups and I are tired." He said, back to her. Katie nodded her head.

"Do you need any help with anything?" She asked. Ryder looked up, and an Idea clicked. He looked back at her with a smile.

"I need for you to do a Favor." 

Katie nodded as she looked back at him. "What's the Favor?" She asked. Ryder looked to the pups all fast asleep.

"I was going to surprise the pups with a Hotel stay for about a week." He started. Katie nodded.

"And you need for me to help take care of the lookout while you're gone?" Ryder nodded his head. Katie smiled back. 

"Alright, I hope you guys have a great week." She said to him. Ryder nodded. "I hope so too." He said, looking to his arm.

"I must be going now, I'm about to open." She said, looking to glass doors. Ryder nodded, ending the call. 

He looked up and smiled.  

"Alright, got that out the way, now what." He asked, himself. He looked at the clock. "9:54" He read. He nodded his head slowly. Biting his lower lip.

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