A Stupid Decision

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The Husky plummet down to the vent below. Landing face first.

"Oooo." They all said in sync. She slowly lifted her head up. Looking to them. "Let's Just Go." She said. Slowly sitting up.

Matthew jumped down from Skye's shoulder, crawling ahead. They all followed the confident spider around the vents. 

Matthew then stopped at a vent. He crawled back to the bulldog. Crawling up his shoulder. Skye looked back to the vent and sucked her teeth.

"This is gonna hurt." She mumbled.

She kicked the vent down with her foot. Holding in her yelp of pain.

She Looked down around the dark hallways. The Carpet covering the floor benth. She looked to their white walls. Doors lined up with one another. 

She jumped down, landing on all three paws as she held up her hurt one. She moved out the way to let them all jump down. Helping each other out.

Skye was placed onto the back of the Shepherd.

She looked down the dark hallway. The light was dim, almost completely pitch black. She looked to the identical doors. All wooden and the same golden door handles.

Skye looked back down the hall. A red light starting to flash. She narrowed her eyes to it, confused to what it could be.

Snarling was then heard. All the lights of the halls were then cut out. Pitch Black.

They all slowly backed away from the red light source. It walked around the corner, showing.

A wolf.

They all held in their gasps as they backed away from it. It's fur was ruffle, and a collar around it neck. Flashing the bright red light.

It kept growling as it walked down the halls. 

The others all looked to each other.

The Wolf whipped its head down their hallway. Nothing.

It snarled as it continued walking. Slowly the red light faded.

Skye looked down from the vent, popping her head out. She whipped her head around, looking for the red light. Nothing.

She was pulled back in as they all looked to her.

'We need to be silent.' She mouthed. They all nod their head in sync. Ryder slowly crawls past her. Jumping down the vent. He helped her down, one by one. They all climbed out.

'Fast thinking,' Liberty mouthed to the Cockapoo. She nodded her head. 'Anyone else could of done that.' She mouthed. looking down the hall.

'She really needs to stop downgrading herself.' Rocky mouthed. Zuma nodded his head agreeing.

'Come on.' Skye mouthed. They all slowly walked as they followed her. Light one their footsteps. Skye looked around the corner. She looked ahead to the stairwell, leading down to the bridge. She watched as a faded red light slowly walked to it.

She backed away from the corner, gesturing for them to stop. 

She slowly backed to a door, slowly creaking it open. She squinted her eyes, hoping it wouldn't notice.

The wolf stopped, lifting its head. 

They all paused as the stared at the wolf. It continued to walked ahead, onto the bridge. They all sighed in relief as watched the red light. Slowly fade into darkness.

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