Cloud-Nine Hotel

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She continued talking with the man. Soon she leaned back in her seat as she sighed. She closed her eyes and smiled. She continued talking with him as he kept his eyes on the road.

"What are they doing here?!" Marshall asked. Axnosuiness filling him. Chase looked at the boy. 

"Were you planning this?" Chase asked. Ryder looked to the shepherd. Shaking his head. They all looked back to the truck. It looked like they were singing with each other.

"I'm gonna call her," Ryder said, taking his phone out once more. 

He dialed her as they all kept their eyes out the window to her. She looked down at her tag and smiled. She picked it up and smiled, looking down at it.

"Hey, guys!" She said, appearing on the monitor. 

"Everest, look to you right."

She looked at the boy confused. She looked out her window to the pups all making funny faces to her. She squealed as she fell out of her seat. 

"Everest!" They all called out.

She quickly jumped back on her seat, looking at the window.

"Are you following us?" She asked, narrowing her eyes to them. They all shook their heads.

She gasped.

"Are you going to the!-


Ryder hung up before she could tell any information. They all looked to the Boy, as she looked to her window at him. 

'Surprise.' He mouthed. She nodded her head, looking at the other. Looking at the boy. She returned the funny face, crossing her eyes as she stuck her tongue at them. They all looked back and laughed.

She laughed as well, returning her face to normal. She called the boy back.

He picked back up and looked to the montier.

"Do you have any idea where we might be going?" Rocky asked. Looking at her. She shook her head. 

"But you just said-" Everest looked to the dally. Blinking her eyes. He nodded his head, looking away. She looked back to the others.

"I have no clue." She said, crossing her arms. Skye blinked her eyes slowly at the Husky. Being her best friend, she knew she was lying. 

Everest knew she knew she was lying. She looked at the Cockapoo. Staring back at each other. Exchanging looks.

The pups all looked at the two. 

"Do you have any Idea what's happening?" Marshall asked, in a whisper. They all shook their heads. 

Skye shot a glare at the Husky. As she started to panic. Skye narrowed her eyes, as Everest bit her lip. Keeping their stare.

In their "Conversation"

'I know you know I know you know where we are going, I'll give you a few to tell us.' Skye said, in her glare. Everest squinted her eyes. 'Never.' She said, widening her eyes. Skye's nose wrinkled as she narrowed her eyes.

'Come on Everest.' She said, resting her face. Everest sucked her teeth. 'Sorry, Ryder said it was a surprise.' Everest glared by accident. Skye started to smile. Everest's eyes widened. 'I did not mean to say that.' Everest shook her head.

'You just did.' Skye's smile grew. Everest continued to shake her head. 'I said nothing.' She said, narrowing her eyes. Skye widened her eyes, looking at the husky.

'At least one hint.' She begged, her lips curling. Everest shook her head. 'Sorry, no can do.' 

Skye nodded her head and sighed. She broke eye contact with the Husky. 

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